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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Jayden Henry, born on July 5, 2011 and passed away on July 8, 2011. We will remember him forever.

July 5
Dear Jayden,

Happy 13th Birthday today! . I sat with your mom and dad last night and watched the fireworks across the lake from your parents home. We talked about you and you mom and I were wondering what you would look like, we think your niece Londyn is who you would resemble. Wondered if you’d been sitting there with us watching the fireworks show across the lake. Your big sister was away in Mission school, she such a good girl and you’d probably be her baby when she is home and she’d probably load you up and drag you everywhere she went when home. I know your mom really misses and thinks about you all the time. I’m sure my parents are watching you there and keeping you company. I’m sure there are gatherings and potlucks with my family members with you as well. I wonder today each year who you’d be, what you do in school, what would be your favorite subject, would you like sports like your dad and brothers? If you and your dad would be attending football games for the Raiders, and is he dragging you around with his work and showing you how to be a young man, and instilling that work ethic he and your mom have.
Well my dear love, as much as I hate to say I’ll talk to you later, Happy Birthday and we miss you so much and know we’ll all see each other someday.

Love Nanna
July 5
Happy Birthday my dear you are officially a teenager and I hope you will have an amazing birthday. 13 years old how time have flown but you are loved and thought about every single day. Even though your time on earth was not long you touched so many hearts . I think what your likes and dislikes would be and would you be in sports at school. I know you are handsome, kind and a wonderful grandson. I missed the time we would had spent precious time together . God took you in his arms and sometimes I am very upset because of that but I understand that God has his reasons and I am just so thankful that I was able to see you hold you the short time. I know you are healthy and have a wonderful life in heaven but I still feel sad because you have a beautiful family and we miss you so much. But someday we will be together. I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and I love you ❤️ Love , kisses and hugs Memaw
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
Hi Jayden, this is your memaw. I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Cannot believe you are 12 years old today. I imagine you are a very handsome boy and I miss you dearly. We only had a few minutes to see each other but the love I feel is forever. I hope you have a big cake and ballon’s and maybe even have a water park in heaven. My love hugs and hope you have the most amazing birthday love you memaw
July 5, 2022
July 5, 2022
Jayden you are 11 years old today growing up so fast. I know in my heart you are a wonderful young little man full of life, happiness and love for God, family and friends. I can just imagine all that you could of done here on earth but God did not have it in your plans to stay on earth so he took you in his loving arms to heaven. I know you are happy and loved by God. But you are loved by so many here and missed so much. On this day on your 11th birthday I say to you Happy Birthday my dear and I miss you, love you, and hope you have a wonderful heavenly birthday. Till we are together in heaven I send you hugs, kisses and ❤️. Happy Birthday Love you, Memaw
July 5, 2021
July 5, 2021
Happy Birthday Jayden .     I cannot believe you are 10 years old today you are getting big and I am sure very handsome because it runs in your family. I can picture how you look and the wonderful person you have become. I missed all those years and birthdays and holding you and hugging you. Plus we would of been going to Denny’s restaurant at least twice a weekend a month. The laughter fun we would of had but God had other plans for you and that gives me peace because I know you are in his loving arms. I am getting ready to go to work but wanted to tell you Happy Birthday and love you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday in heaven. I love you and miss you and I will write you soon but in the meantime remember that even though you are not here on earth for me to hug , you are always in my heart. Love you bunches Memaw
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
Hi my dear grandson was just thinking about you and missing you. You will be 10 years old this year becoming a big guy wish I could see how handsome you are but someday we will see each other. At work right now and very quiet and that is my thinking time and just wanted to say love you to pieces and miss you. Love Memaw
July 5, 2020
July 5, 2020
Happy Birthday my dear grandson you are 9 years old today. A lot has happened this year your sister Breeana is graduating high school this month Brittany your sister got her Bachelors degree is a few and sad things happened which you already know because they have been there with you and there today to celebrate your birthday. I am here to celebrate your birthday  and miss you so much you were here a short time on earth but you are loved so much I can see you now oh how a handsome young man you are I know you are in loving arms in heaven but your family has loving hugs for you on earth please know that you are in my heart ❤️ and when I see other boys around 9 I think I believe Jayden would be doing that if he was on earth with all of us just one thing more Happy Birthday all my love and hugs  Love memaw
July 7, 2019
July 7, 2019
Dearest Jayden,
I missed your 8th birthday, time has been so fast at moving along, I can't believe you are now 8. So many things have happened since you left us. Your big sister is driving, and becoming this beautiful young woman, who wants to be a nurse to help little ones like you. She volunteers at a children hospital and has dreamed of the day she is a healer and helping save lives of children who are born against the odds. Your mom misses you dearly and so do we, time has helped a little of the pain ease, but you never forget losing a child, its so unnatural for a mother to say good bye to a little one. I know for you its been like a blink of an eye since you left, but not for us here who miss you everyday. I'm comforted in the fact someday we will all reunite and hug and hold each other a little longer and then walk hand in hand forever in happiness. Until then, hugs and kisses little man. We love you.
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019
Beautiful Jayden you are 8 years old today and how I miss you. Your life was short on earth but you are with the Heavenly Father in his arms. I think of what all the fun times we would of had and walking dogs so when you and your sister dog (Rasco) pulls me down on the sidewalk and your sister burst out laughing, going to beach, movies and we would of went to Denny’s restaurant one of our favorites where I take the grandkids and one of them would of been you. I like it because reasonably priced very comfortable place to eat and they have almost anything that a kid would want and we always have plenty of laughs. I want you to know that no matter how old you are you are in my heart ❤️ all the time and I love you very much and when God calls me we will be together. Happy Birthday Jayden Love you bunches memaw
July 5, 2018
July 5, 2018
Happy Birthday Jayden you are seven today and hope God has Birthday parties because you deserve a big seven ballon and a ice cream cake I wish we could celebrate together but in Gods time we will someday but now I send my hug kisses and a big Happy Birthday love you and miss you memaw
July 4, 2018
July 4, 2018
Happy Fourth of July Jayden tomorrow is your seventh birthday seems like yesterday you were here in our arms. Seven years old that would put you in the second grade you are thought of every day and missed and loved so much. I think about what a wonderful handsome boy you are and how loving you are because your family is so loving I remember the minute that God took you in his loving arms and held you tight as he took you to heaven and is still holding you. Words cannot say how much I love you and miss you and you are always in my heart ❤️ love and kisses
July 5, 2017
July 5, 2017
Dear Jayden
              "HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY"

You are 6 years old today and you are missed and thought about every moment of each day. I know that you are looking down from heaven with your beautiful eyes and seeing the love that is in your wonderful family eyes for you. You were here on earth a very short time but in our hearts you are here forever and when it is time for God to take me in his arms than we will be together again. "Happy Birthday."        Love, Me Maw
July 5, 2017
July 5, 2017
Dear Jayden,

Today is your 6th birthday. What I would give to have you here to celebrate with us all. You are dearly missed in family functions and we will always long for you to be with us. I know that you are where there is no pain and sadness and someday soon we will see you again, until then know that we miss you and love you and hold you in our hearts and thoughts.

Love Nana
July 8, 2016
July 8, 2016
Hello my sweet baby, its been 5 years since we said good-bye. Just know that you are in our hearts and thoughts and we will be together someday soon. To you it will be in the blink of an eye, to us its an eternity and feels so empty without you here. I always wonder what you would look like and how big you would be right now. We will always have an empty place in our hearts for you, but know you are loved and missed by us all. Love Nanny
July 4, 2016
July 4, 2016
What do I say to you? How many words can I write? I heard that a person needs to tell a story a few times before they are healed. I will never finish telling yours, just like I will never finish missing you. That's the way it should be I suppose. After all, a mother never stops loving the child she carried.
Some days it just all feels so wrong, because I'm still yours and your still mine, but we are just worlds apart. Some days the ache is numbing, almost like I have nothing to feel. Some days I sit on the floor whispering I'm sorry's and I miss you's hoping they travel up to you , hoping the angels will let you know how much you are still loved, and how much you always will be.
Some days I carry on like I never loved and lost. not because I want to but because I have to. Even on those days you are still in every thought, every feeling, every move.
You changed me entirely. Living life is different now. You made me richer than ever possible before. I learned that strength and courage arises when you experience a gut wrenching loss and cannot imagine carrying on. They say only in the darkness can you see the stars, and while I spent many, many times in the dark, I have always seen the stars more clearly in Bree and your eyes.
Someday I will no longer ache and that will be when we are all together again. When I can hold both of you in my arms. There will be no more pain, no more sadness. It will be the first day of forever for me. On that day all the year's of pain, all the excuses, all the cover ups for days when the tears wont stop falling. All those days will vanish.
Until that day I promise to find hope through heartache, to find joy through the sadness. To find strength through the weakness, to love even when it is hard to live.
This year has been pretty hard I think it is because of all the milestones you would be hitting this year. Going to kindergarten. Its so hard to believe you would be 5. So much time has passed, yet it feels like yesterday. There is no way this will ever get easier and I also learned time does not heal all wounds. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I'm sure Grandma Galena is sure making a fuss for you. She always did for all of our special days. Hugs and kisses forever. Till we meet again.
June 22, 2016
June 22, 2016
Dear Jayden,

  I cannot believe that you are going to be 5 years old on July 5th, my love and my arms are holding you in my heart. Your whole family is very loving, fun and wonderful and if you were here on earth you would be very proud to be a part of this family but you are a big part in our lives even though you are in heaven where God has his arms wrapped around you. Miss you very much and even though you were not here with us on earth very long the love is very strong as if you had been here for 50 years. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and it is early but that is okay and that you are in my heart all the time. Love, Me Maw
July 5, 2015
July 5, 2015
Happy 4th Birthday sweet boy! Today you turn 4 years old. Even though you not here on earth with us, we all still hold you in our hearts, our thoughts and prayers.
I know someday we're all going to be together again faster than a twinkle of an eye, but it doesn't always replace that spot that empty in our hearts. Your big sister is such a grown lady and would have been your biggest friend and sidekick, or you hers. We love you and miss you in every function that your not there. Time heals a little but it still don't take away memories and dreams. We love you little man! Happy 4th birthday!

July 5, 2015
July 5, 2015
Happy birthday baby. 4 years old.... does not feel like so much time has passed. I hope you had a great birthday. I couldn't imagine it being any other way. I just wish it could of been here. Heart wrenching at times. I love you and miss you to the moon and back
July 2, 2015
July 2, 2015
Dear Jayden,
Hi, this is Memaw Fishback and your birthday is coming in just a few days and you are going to be 4 years old and what a wonderful life that you would of had here on earth with your family. I know that God is holding you tight because we cannot at this time but even though you were only here for a short time the love is very big and the memory of you will never go away but just like God is holding you in his arms I am holding you in my heart and missing you and the laughter, joy that you would be having here on earth with your family. Happy Birthday dear boy and I love you very much and I miss you very much.
Love you bunches, Memaw Fishback
April 13, 2015
April 13, 2015
Dear Jayden,

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I think about you everyday and how you would be having fun with your family.You have a new cousin and she is beautiful and if you were here on earth you would be playing together with all of your cousins. I miss you and love you and you really have a wonderful blended family. Breeana, one of your sisters is very smart , caring, and talented and she has a wonderful voice like her Aunts and she loves to sing and she will dedicate a song to you as she goes on with her singing career and I know that you have heard her in heaven as she is singing in her room. Just wanted to say I miss you and think about you everyday and how you would be laughing, playing and growing up if you were here on earth with us. But you are in God's loving arms and he will take care of you.

                 Love you very much, MeMaw
December 20, 2014
December 20, 2014

Hi, I want you to know that you are in my thoughts everyday and that you have such an amazing family and that you are loved very much and it is Christmas and that you were a special gift (miracle) from God and even though you were not with us on earth long you are loved by so many loving friends and family and I miss you but I get comfort knowing that you are in the arms of the Lord and you have all of this love surrounding you and are thought about everyday. Love Me Maw
October 13, 2014
October 13, 2014
Jayden, I know you know that you now have a new cousin. I so wish you were here to meet BrinLee. It would be so sweet to see you both together and little. I
Miss you and holding her reminds me of you. Hugs and kisses my sweet little boy.

October 13, 2014
October 13, 2014
Jayden, I know you know that you now have a new cousin. I so wish you were here to meet BrinLee. It would be so sweet to see you both together and little. I
Miss you and holding her reminds me of you. Hugs and kisses my sweet little boy.

October 12, 2014
October 12, 2014
Hello, I want you to know that I think about how wonderful of a grandson you are and the amazing things that you would be doing at this time and even though you are in the wonderful arms of God, that I miss you and love you very much and when God calls me home we will be together.

                  Love you very much,
                       Me Maw
July 5, 2014
July 5, 2014
Happy 3rd birthday. How time flies, I always wonder what you would be doing, what you would look like, what your voice would sound like. We will be together soon.
July 5, 2014
July 5, 2014
Happy 3rd Birthday my little angel. I miss you everyday.
July 5, 2014
July 5, 2014
  Miss you and what a wonderful birthday you would of had with all your family but God had different plans for you so your birthday is celebrated in heaven but my love, hugs and kisses are with you on this day and all days. Happy Birthday! Love, Me Maw
July 6, 2012
July 6, 2012
  When your mom took me in to see you, there was so much peace and love around you, I didnt feel sad to see all the yukky stuff you were hooked to, I saw a beautiful baby boy smileing because you knew your amazing mom was showing you have the most amazing mom, witch im sure you know by now !! Just keep watching over her ..
July 6, 2012
July 6, 2012
I miss you as much today as I did when you left. Every baby I see makes me wonder what you would be. Time will come soon enough and we will all be together again. I'm waiting for you as I know your waiting for me. I will be so ready to make up for lost time. I know your with me cause so many times I feel it. We all love and Miss you very much. There's not enough words to tell you
July 5, 2012
July 5, 2012
Today is your first birthday. I still miss you and think of you often. I know your in good hands where you are, not a day goes by that something I see takes my memeory to thoughts of you. Celebrating you today, love Nanny.
July 18, 2011
July 18, 2011
I spent the days you were here thinking of all the ways you fit into this family, now I can only wonder what we will do without you
July 16, 2011
July 16, 2011
Beautiful boy I know you will be missed. Please look down on your loved ones and send them your strength ! God Bless you.
July 14, 2011
July 14, 2011
Dear Jayden,

I want you to know that time stopped for me on the day you departed from us. I will miss you forever and promise I will hold you again someday.
July 14, 2011
July 14, 2011
Dear Jayden,
You will always have a special place in my heart. We miss you so much and even though you were here only for a short time, it felt like a lifetime. Love you Jayden Bertell Henry your in our hearts forever. Love, Aunt Mindi
July 14, 2011
July 14, 2011
"When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory
becomes a treasure." My love and prayers are with you and your family.

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July 5
Dear Jayden,

Happy 13th Birthday today! . I sat with your mom and dad last night and watched the fireworks across the lake from your parents home. We talked about you and you mom and I were wondering what you would look like, we think your niece Londyn is who you would resemble. Wondered if you’d been sitting there with us watching the fireworks show across the lake. Your big sister was away in Mission school, she such a good girl and you’d probably be her baby when she is home and she’d probably load you up and drag you everywhere she went when home. I know your mom really misses and thinks about you all the time. I’m sure my parents are watching you there and keeping you company. I’m sure there are gatherings and potlucks with my family members with you as well. I wonder today each year who you’d be, what you do in school, what would be your favorite subject, would you like sports like your dad and brothers? If you and your dad would be attending football games for the Raiders, and is he dragging you around with his work and showing you how to be a young man, and instilling that work ethic he and your mom have.
Well my dear love, as much as I hate to say I’ll talk to you later, Happy Birthday and we miss you so much and know we’ll all see each other someday.

Love Nanna
July 5
Happy Birthday my dear you are officially a teenager and I hope you will have an amazing birthday. 13 years old how time have flown but you are loved and thought about every single day. Even though your time on earth was not long you touched so many hearts . I think what your likes and dislikes would be and would you be in sports at school. I know you are handsome, kind and a wonderful grandson. I missed the time we would had spent precious time together . God took you in his arms and sometimes I am very upset because of that but I understand that God has his reasons and I am just so thankful that I was able to see you hold you the short time. I know you are healthy and have a wonderful life in heaven but I still feel sad because you have a beautiful family and we miss you so much. But someday we will be together. I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and I love you ❤️ Love , kisses and hugs Memaw
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
Hi Jayden, this is your memaw. I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Cannot believe you are 12 years old today. I imagine you are a very handsome boy and I miss you dearly. We only had a few minutes to see each other but the love I feel is forever. I hope you have a big cake and ballon’s and maybe even have a water park in heaven. My love hugs and hope you have the most amazing birthday love you memaw
Recent stories

The Baby Redbird

July 5, 2020
Today, I swear you came to visit me in the backyard. I was out by the pool when all of a sudden the little red bird appeared in the trees next door and began signing and making all kinds of a ruckus. When I looked up to see it, it came down and landed on the clothes line behind the screened in deck, it stayed for a few moments and I realized it was a young bird with its new color and feathers. Brinlee and I watched it in amazement, it then flew back up into the tree next door. And then I remembered today is July 5, your birthday. It left peace in my heart that you are still here with us, even when we can't see you and hold you. Someday we all will be together again, and I know you will run up and grab my hand to hold and walk with you and our lord and father. I love you Jay, and know you would have been a wonderful young man. 

Love and kisses, 

Happy Birthday

July 5, 2013
Today we should all be blessed with your terrible 2s. you gettin in to everything. but instead we are sending our love to you in heaven. i pray and ask god to give you a message for me to let you know how much i love and miss you. what i would give for just one more day. to say all the things i forgot to say to. to kiss you all the tines i missed out on. to rock you to sleep. to just say i love you one more time. Our day will soon come my little man. im sure to you this feels like a minute but to us this has been a life time. so it seems. i know god is takin very good care of yoi till i get there. Im sure of it.

Sweet Jayden

July 5, 2012


           Today is the day that you came into our lives and it is your first birthday and we love and miss you very much. The day was wonderful when you were born and you were a fighter and the love that surrounded you by all your loving family members gave you the strenght to hang on but the Lord had different plans for you and we are left with your memories and how our heart aches but we know that we will be able to be with you someday and that day will be wonderful. Your sister Breeana misses you very much and she says MeMaw do you think that Jayden would be this big if he would of been here today? I know that you are loved and you are safe in the arms of the Lord and family members that have went to heaven and someday I will be there and be able to hold you, kiss you and talk to you and it will be glorious. 

                                    All my love,

                                        MeMaw Fishback


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