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November 20, 2020
I miss my friend and every time I think of her it's with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.
July 29, 2020
I met Jean when I lived in Des Plaines and took my children to the Choo Choo for the first time with a family friend and his daughter. My children thought it was so much fun and exciting. The train, the bell, the happy birthday music and the food along with the owner and staff were all focused on making everyone have a good time. 
Flash forward to when I enrolled my Children  at Holy Cross School she was shocked. It was the Ice Cream Social and there was Jean with her apron in serving ice cream with a huge smile on her face. She truly was a woman of service with a smile! Our school and parish were extremely lucky and grateful to her and her husband Dale for their generosity through the years.
As we became friends, our laughter grew stronger with stories and situations we shared.
When she told me she needed to go through Chemo the first time, I went with her to buy her wig. It was actually a lighthearted event as we laughed trying on different looks. Her Chemo treatment stories were always positive as she met so many brave people throughout her journey. She kept me posted on her health and after the treatments were finished her hair began to grow back. No need for the wig, until I saw her wearing it again at the Choo Choo. I asked what was going on and she made light of it as I found out she was having treatments again. 
As I sit and reflect on our conversations and visits, I realize how much I miss my friend. I spoke to her in June and she never mentioned to me she was in the hospital. I told her I’d love to grab coffee lunch or dinner with her and she said that would be great. I never realized how sick she was until I found out she wasn’t doing good from her ex husband Dale while at a friends home.  I’m glad I told her I loved her every time we spoke. She and her whole family are in my prayers and I hope she knows she will be missed and loved

Choo Crew

July 26, 2020
I worked for Jean at the Choo Choo for three years. In that time, I learned many different arts from her. To name a few: the art of properly decorating for holidays, the art of talking to people and learning their stories, the art of deep cleaning (even if it was three hours post-closing and everyone really wanted to go home), the art of saving your spare change in a piggy bank (gifted from Jean) and cashing it out when it is full, the art of reapplying lipstick, the art of frosting a cupcake, and the very important art of giving. Jean went out of her way to do kind things for other people. She was everyone’s number one fan and would rally for her employees no matter what. She never shied away from confrontation, always spoke her mind, and was always there if you needed her. Jean worked to hold everyone around her accountable and if you were out of line, she would not hesitate to let you know. I learned how important hard work is and how going above and beyond makes a difference. Jean did a fantastic job creating a fun work environment that brought all of her employees together. The Choo truly felt like one big family and there was never a dull moment working there.  Some of my favorite memories included after work outings, listening to music very loud, inappropriate humor, and post-shift meals while discussing the day. Working in a restaurant can be stressful, but the Choo crew made it so much fun. Every time I haul way too many grocery bags from my car to my home (“lazy man’s load”), I can hear Jean say my full name in a lovingly frustrated tone. I truly enjoyed working for Jean and with the rest of the Choo crew and will forever remember my time there.

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