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His Life

About Kody.

February 9, 2017

Kody was due to be born on Saturday October 1st 2016 but Kody was born Sunday July 3rd 2016 at 9.42am Kodys star sign is cancer. Kody weighed 1lb 10oz. Kody was born at Luton and Dunstable hospital. Kody had a slight bleed on his brain but it corrected itself after a while. Kody had really bad lungs so he was on various breathing machines, he always had an up and down ride. Kody had 2 courses of steroids to hopefully help his lungs. Kody would have his usual immunisations and he'd be poorly, Kody caught a few chest infections along the way which caused him to be extra poorly as he was already struggling to breath. We nearly lost Kody a few times already. Kody had a feeding tube going into his tummy then he had a feeding tube which went further than his tummy, Kody was tried on bottles (which he guzzled them down) but he'd wear himself out so he was put back on the feeding tube. Kody had stage 2 r.o.p so he had laser treatment on his eyes to correct this. Kody enjoyed cuddles with mummy and daddy. Kody enjoyed being in his big boy bed and he enjoyed sitting in his bouncer. Kody went great ormond street at the end of October 2016 to see if there was an underlying problem, but it was found out that Kody had mild reflux and extremely severe chronic lung disease. Kody went back to Luton and Dunstable hospital after 5 days and he started having really bad turns in which he had to be paralysed and heavily sedated for him to have decent sats. On November 21st 2016 Kody was in the Royal Brompton hospital to see if there was anything they could do and if Kody could go on the long term ventilation. Kody started to have pulmonary hypertensions as his lungs were putting too much pressure on his heart. Kody also had a tracheostomy to hopefully help his lungs. Kody had a few more pulmonary hypertensions and his lungs got worse. On February 4th 2017 at 10.43pm my baby's heart stopped beating