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January 9
Osaro Eghobamien
"In the summer of 2003, a coincidental holiday gathering brought the two families together in London. Sir Alfred extended an invitation, and during this event, KS presided over the naming ceremony of Orobosa, Osaro Eghobamien's daughter. Both Sir Alfred and KS cracked jokes repeatedly to the admiration of the guests, exhibiting the Benin tradition with pride and exuberance. His camaraderie with Sir Alfred shone as they continuously entertained all guests present. At the event, KS distributed what he enjoyed to call “African biscuits”. Amusingly, one of the guests took this name too literally, and as one would do to a biscuit, put the entire kola nut in her mouth at a go! Naturally, she was quick to spit it all out immediately. The drama was remarkable with KS and Sir Alfred making great and excitable fun at the (good-natured) expense of the guest. This incident highlighted the warm and enjoyable relationship between the two families."

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