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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved Laia, 59, born on February 12, 1956 and passed away on December 19, 2015. We will remember her smile, her laughter, and her radiance forever.

February 13
February 13
Laia estimada,
No et creguis que se m'hagi passat per alt el teu aniversari(12-2)....Mai se m'oblida! Sempre em sorprèn que m'acompanyis en tantes activitats i que segueixis tan present, en la meva vida i en els meus somnis. En l'últim (va ser fa uns dies) m'ensenyaves un missatge molt estrany que jo sabia que venia d'un món molt llunyà ,el qual encara no he sabut desxifrar ....M,ajudaràs a entendre'l algún dia? Una abraçada carinyo ❤️
December 20, 2023
December 20, 2023
Querida Neus..... muchísimas gracias para tu palabras tan real, tan directa, y tan suave. Quant m'hauria agrada poder estar a l'habitacio amb tu quan la Laia recitaba la versa.
December 20, 2023
December 20, 2023
Estimada Laia,
Van passant els anys … En portem vuit!!
Aquests dies propers al Nadal ,t’ he recordat enfilada a la cadira recitant “ el vers de Nadal” . Tothom t’escoltava amb atenció i admiració. Sobretot jo, que amb la meva timidesa i vergonya era incapaç de dir ni una paraula , però que em moria de ganes de poder fer com tu.
Laia, bonica, vaig aprendre tantes coses de tu, em vas ensenyar tant, que no s’esborra amb el pas del temps.
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Hola Laia
Es la primera vegada que escric al teu memoriam, Sempre recordaré las paraules que em vas dir el 5/01/2009 quan em vas acompanyar tu i molts més cusins a deixar el cos d'el meu pare al ninxol.
Cada vegada em semblo més a tu amb pensaments d'ánimes, energies, en la tranformació després de la mor...etc va ser aquest aprenentatge al viatge que varem fer Pepe i jo a Thailandia....altres culturas i religions com allá que creuen en la Reencarnació per cert molt interesant i fer cada dia um mérit tu treballan a la presso i jo a un Esplai de persones adultes amb diversitat inteł.lectual.[adultes] més o menys de la nostre edat.
No sé si son els gens genétics, d'els nostra besavi Mauro, ell ja cambiava la palla de la quadra per qué reposaren o pasesin la nit els indigens de la época.
Aiii Felicitats del llibre, amb un parell d'ovaris has portat la teva malaltia .
Com em vares dir de la malaltia del meu Pare i que va tindra un parell de collons quan es va despedir d'un a un en su lecho de muerte.
Mai t'oblido i la teva germana ho sab.
La teva cusina MIMA
Perdona les faltes . Sóc una mica dessastre però com deias que més dona si es pronumcia igual la B que la V.
February 12, 2023
February 12, 2023
Ja estàs fent de les teves. Avui estem parlant de tu moltíssim degut a la notícia de la publicació del teu llibre.
Per fi sortirà a la llum. Quina gran notícia. No saps com n’estem de contents! Amb aquest llibre et tindrem per sempre més.
T’estimem i no t’oblidem.
Neus i Llu
February 12, 2023
February 12, 2023
Laia tan querida, amiga entrañable...
siempre estas en nuestros corazones, siempre! Pensando en ti hoy y siempre!
Thinking of you always!!
December 20, 2022
December 20, 2022
Estimada Laia,
Cada any que passa el teu record es fa més gran així com el buit que ens vas deixar.
Continues present entre nosaltres. T’imaginem rient i fent bromes en algun lloc que desconeixem. No podria ser d’una altra manera.
Neus I Lluís

February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022
Laia tan querida, Te recuerdo siempre siempre, estas en nuestros pensamientos con todo el cariño! Tu sonrisa, tu sentido del humor y todo tu ser. Te quiero!!
February 13, 2022
February 13, 2022
Laia,” carinyu”,
No saps com t’hem trobat a faltar aquest matí de Santa Eulàlia, mentre passejàvem per la catedral i pels seus voltants , en un ambient festiu, com a tu t’agradava. Els gegants i els capgrossos semblaven dedicar-te les seves actuacions.
No t’oblidarem
February 12, 2022
February 12, 2022
66 felicitats amiga!!
Trobo a faltar la teva presència malgrat portar-te sempre amb mi.
Una abraçada bonica, a l'estil de les que es fan en el teu món❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 19, 2021
December 19, 2021
No t’oblidem. No has marxat per a nosaltres. Sempre hi ets i et recordem amb una gran rialla. 
Quantes vegades ets un referent , un model davant de situacions difícils a la vida.
Lluís i Neus
December 19, 2021
December 19, 2021
Passa el temps, però les teves rises encara hi són. No t'oblidem, t'estimo.
December 19, 2021
December 19, 2021
Hoy hace 6 años que te marchaste Laia, però sigues muy presente en mi recuerdo y mi vida. En muchas ocasiones, cuando no acabo de encontrar respuestas pienso: "que diría Laia en esta situación". Sigues siendo una fuente de inspiración y doy gracias a la vida y a ti por haberte conocido.
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Hola soy Paco.
Tuve la suerte de ser alumno de Laia en UB de Barcelona . Laia fue una fuente de inspiración enorme. Recuerdo el dia que nos hizo una rueda de medicina en un espacio de la universidad y todo lo que transmitia.
Fue un regalo de la vida conocerte Laia. Quizás una de las cosas por las que vale la pena vivir es por conocer personas tan especiales como tu.
Cuando te marchaste a EEUU todavia seguimos en contacto por cartas durante un tiempo hasta que perdí contacto. Seguí escribiendo un par de cartas e incluso fui a pza. Tetuán pero no conseguí contactar.
Hace un par de años Araceli, una amiga con quien compartimos clase y enseñanzas de Laia me dijo que habias muerto.
Sentí como una gran pérdida la noticia y con una sensacion de tristeza y a la vez de que alguien como Laia sigue en los que la conocimos mientras sigamos por aqui.
Ayer hablando con Araceli, comentabamos que nos gustaria contactar con usted Dans o con su familia de Barcelona o amigos/as de Barcelona para encontrarnos algun dia y poder hablar y saber mas de Laia y si fuera posible y con el consentimiento de sus personas mas allegadas hacer un encuentro en su memoria o homenaje.
Un abrazo enorme para su marido, su familia y sus seres mas allegados.
February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021
Araceli, me da tanto placer oir de la mágica que Laia siempre tenía. Y del amor para sus estudiantes,ella me decía, “Ron, tu no sabes el amor que aun tengo para mis estudiantes “.
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Laia, fuiste mi profesora en la UB, a finales de los 90. Dejaste una huella en mí, en todos nosotros, imborrable. Fue algo mágico hacer tu asignatura, dejarnos guiar por los sueños, los rituales indios americanos, las máscaras, las cachinas, el teatro, la imaginación... nos sumergías en un mundo más auténtico y mágico. Un millón de gracias por tus enseñanzas, por tu manera de ser espontánea, alegre, inteligente, valiente... siempre vas a vivir en mi corazón, donde tienes un lugar muy especial reservado. Un abrazo a familiares y amigos
December 21, 2020
December 21, 2020
Dear friends, the 19th marks the 5th anniversary of the death of my beloved wife, Laia. I wasn't sure how I would feel when I woke up, and was surprised when I woke in calm space. I spent some time looking back at the intense, charmed life that we led, traveling around the globe with our crazy puppet shows, engaged in a joint life that never failed to bring joy to both of us and all our family and friends. The more I reflected, the more I was attracted to a poem I recently discovered by a marvelous Brazilian writer, Lya Luft:
′′ We're all in line.....
Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We don't know how many people are in front of us.
You can't go back to the ′′ end of the line ". You can't get out of line. Not even avoiding this line.
So while we wait our turn :-
Make every moment lived here on Earth count.
Have a purpose.
Motivate people!!
Praise more, criticize less.
Make a ′′ nobody ′′ if you feel like someone on your side.
Make someone smile.
Make a difference.
Make love.
Make peace.
Make people feel loved.
Have time for yourself
Make small moments be big
Do everything you have to do and go beyond.
Live new experiences.
Try new flavors.
Have no regrets for trying beyond what you should have, for valuing someone more than you should, for doing more or less than you could.
Everything is in the right place.
Things only happen when they have to happen.
Don't save sorrows.
Save only the learnings.
Release the grudge.
Overflow the love.
Donate love.
Love even those who don't deserve it.
Love without wanting to receive anything in return.
Love, for the simple fact that you vibrate love and be love.
But always, love yourself before anything."
Be prepared to leave anytime. You don't know your place in the line, so get ready to leave here only good memories.
Your hands go away empty
You can't take suitcases, or goods...
Prepare DIARYLY to take with you, only what you have in your heart."

This poem so perfectly reflects the way that Laia and I lived our lives.
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
Laia querida, recuerdo tan bien tu sonrisa, tus palabras, tu forma de hablar y de ir por el mundo... siempre curiosa, siempre sensible a todos y cada uno... tu vestir, tu forma de llevar la vida cada instante... te extraño y estas muy cerca siempre de mi. Donde sea que estes te miro y te sonrío.
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
Estimada i recordada Laia,
Cada 19 de desembre és un dia trist perquè no et tenim físicament amb nosaltres, però ,també, és un dia d’alegria per haver compartit una part de les nostres vides.
Quina sort hem tingut.
Continuem en deute amb tu.
Ets llum, alegria, esperança( i ara que en necessitem tanta!)
Gràcies. T’estimem
Lluís i Neus
February 13, 2020
February 13, 2020
Ahir Santa Eulalia i com cada any la mama encen l'espelma i parlem de tu. Igual que en tants d' altres dies en que et recordem.
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020

Continues molt present en tots nosaltres i no saps com ens omple d’energia el teu record.
Neus Obregón
December 20, 2019
December 20, 2019
Dear Laia,
Avui passejava per la carretera de Sants i recordava els nostres anys d’adolescència. Que bé ens ho passàvem i jo ,una noia de poble, com esperava anar a Barcelona i poder compartir amb tu aquests moments. Vas ser tan important per a mi!!!!
I han passat ja quatre anys i continua la teva presència No puc oblidar el teu somriure, la teva energia, la teva llum ... 
Laia, t’estimem.

February 13, 2019
February 13, 2019
Pensando en ti... siempre nos acompaña tu luz y sonrisa!
February 13, 2019
February 13, 2019
¡Olé, mi niña!!!!
Diana y Andy
February 12, 2019
February 12, 2019
Avui, com cada any , el 12 de febrer, t’hem estat recordant al llarg del dia.
Continues present: el teu somriure, la teva vitalitat, el teu amor, la teva saviesa.... són inesborrables!
December 24, 2018
December 24, 2018
Siempre a tu lado y agradeciendote tu amistad!
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
Gracias por tu luz, tu sonrisa y tu sabiduría!
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
Siempre estás en nuestros corazones, querida Laia
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
“Carinyu”, ja fa tres anys!!!
El teu record continua entre TOTS nosaltres.
Què vols que faci però jo no t’oblido, al contrari, ets una energia que em va empenyent dia a dia.
Quan soc a Llavaneres i parlo amb tia Pepita (padrineta) ens emocionem i a vegades ens “rebotem “ encara. Ens agradaria tant poder xerrar amb tu...
Fa poc vam estar al Corredor una vegada més i no saps com ens sentíem , commoguts com sempre.
T’estimem i no t’oblidem,” carinyu”
Neus i family
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
Durante las últimas semanas he estado pensando en cómo quería conmemorar hoy, este tercer aniversario de la muerte de Laia. Una de las ideas que surgieron fue comenzar el proceso de distribución de su obra. Crear arte era una pasión de toda la vida de ella, y no puedo pensar en una mejor manera de honrar su legado que poner estas varias pinturas y dibujos en las manos de la gente que ella amaba y atesoraba más. He adjuntado una pequeña muestra de su obra de arte, y antes del final de Diciembre, voy a tomar fotos de toda la colección. Para las pinturas que están enmarcadas, estaré encantado de mandarlas a la gente de este país. Si usted está fuera del país, voy a sacarlos de los marcos y enviar en un tubo de correo. Y si eres local, sería encantador si pudieras venir a mi casa a recogerlos.
Mi vida ha continuado a moverse en varias direcciones. En octubre me uní a un programa de entrenamiento Feldenkrais de 4 años. A pesar de que Laia y yo compartimos una pasión por Feldenkrais, nunca se me había ocurrido estudiarlo con la idea de convertirme en practicante. La formación, que se está haciendo aquí en Santa Fe, ha sido una fuente de profundo aprecio por la inteligencia del cuerpo y sobre todo del sistema nervioso. Mi impulso de unirme surgió principalmente de un deseo de ser mejor capaz de cuidar de mí mismo en lugar de poner esta responsabilidad en manos de los demás. Ya he visto cambios significativos en mi capacidad para entender mi propio sistema corporal. Parte del la formación enseña a los amigos y a la familia en las "lecciones" que Moshe Feldenkrais utilizó para facilitar la sensibilización a través de las prácticas de movimiento. He comenzado este proceso, que ha tenido mucho placer y alegría tanto para mí como para los amigos que han venido a mi casa a participar. Recientemente he tenido sueños en los que los principios de Feldenkrais han aparecido para guiarme en un camino más robusto a través de la vida. ¡ Todas las buenas noticias!
La música ha continuado expandiéndose también. Hace unos meses me uní a un segundo coro llamado Voices of Joy. Esto es además de los cantantes de la séptima ola, que ha sido una parte regular de mi vida durante casi 3 años. En Voices of Joy cantamos una vez al mes en un centro local para la vida espiritual. Un director de Coro profesional de Albuquerque es nuestro Director, y ella y yo nos hemos convertido en buenos amigos. En 7th Wave cantaremos para la víspera de Navidad en el "Farolito Walk" anual en Canyon Rd. Es un acontecimiento gozoso
Espero que pasarás esta temporada navideña en paz y bienestar.
Con todo mi amor,
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
For the last few weeks I have been thinking about how I wanted to commemorate today, this third anniversary of Laia’s death. One of the ideas that surfaced was to begin the process of distributing her artwork. Creating art was a lifelong passion of hers, and I can think of no better way to honor her legacy than to put these various paintings and drawings in the hands of the people who she loved and treasured the most. I’ve attached a small sampling of her artwork, and before the end of the year, I will take photos of the entire collection. For the paintings that are framed, I’ll be happy to send them to people in this country. If you are outside the country, I’ll remove them from the frames and send in a mailing tube. And if you’re local, it would be lovely if you could come to my house to pick them up.
My life has continued to move in several directions. In October I joined a 4 year Feldenkrais training program. Even though Laia and I both shared a passion for Feldenkrais, it had never occurred to me to study it with the idea in mind of becoming a practitioner. The training, which is being done here in Santa Fe, has been a source of deep appreciation for the intelligence of the body and especially of the nervous system. My impulse to join came principally from a desire to be better able to care for myself rather than put this responsibility in the hands of others. I’ve already seen significant changes in my ability to understand my own body system. Part of the training is teaching friends and family in the “lessons” which Moshe Feldenkrais used to facilitate Awareness Through Movement practices. I’ve started this process, which has lead to much pleasure and joy for both me and the friends who have come to my house to participate. Recently I’ve had dreams in which Feldenkrais principles have appeared to guide me in a more robust path through life. All good news!
Music has continued to expand as well. A few months ago I joined a second choir called Voices of Joy. This is in addition to the 7th Wave Singers, which has been a regular part of my life for almost 3 years. In Voices of Joy we sing once a month at a local Center for Spiritual Living. A professional choir director from Albuquerque is our director, and she and I have become good friends. In 7th Wave we’ll be singing for Christmas Eve at the annual “farolito walk” on Canyon Rd. It’s a joyous event, with many passerby adding their voices to the songs.
I hope that you will spend this holiday season in peace and well being.
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
Class will be in your honor tomorrow Laia. Whether I teach or ask Ron to teach. Yes! He is in a training and is enjoying all the learning. Thank you for inspiring us all.
February 12, 2018
February 12, 2018
Estimada Laia,
Avui santa Eulàlia plora(està plovent tot el dia), segurament que amb tu present ploraríem tots , però, de riure!
Com me’n recordo de tu darrerament: la teva lliçó de vida m’ajuda cada dia més, em dóna forces per superar tots els obstacles i procuro posar-la en pràctica dia darrere dia. 
Et segueixo parlant com si estiguessis al meu costat i així ho penso fer per molt temps.
Guapíssima, estimadíssima “ cosina preferida” t’enyoro moltíssim!!!
February 12, 2018
February 12, 2018
Estimada Laia,
Avui santa Eulàlia plora(està plovent tot el dia), segurament que amb tu present ploraríem tots , però, de riure!
Com me’n recordo de tu darrerament: la teva lliçó de vida m’ajuda cada dia més, em dóna forces per superar tots els obstacles i procuro posar-la en pràctica dia darrere dia. 
Et segueixo parlant com si estiguessis al meu costat i així ho penso fer per molt temps.
Guapíssima, estimadíssima “ cosina preferida” t’enyoro moltíssim!!!
February 12, 2018
February 12, 2018
Cómo te gustaba bañarte en el lago!!!! Lo pasamos tan bien con Ron y tu madre. Besitos.
December 23, 2017
December 23, 2017
The brightness that Laia brought to life remains with me whenever she comes to mind.
December 19, 2017
December 19, 2017
No volem oblidar-te i et continuarem portant sempre en el nostre pensament i en el nostre cor.
T’estimem “carinyu”
Neus i Lluís
December 19, 2017
December 19, 2017
Estimada Laia,
Et trobem a faltar i voldríem tenir-te físicament al nostre costat. Dos anys que ens sembla molt de temps.
Al llarg d’aquest mesos no hem deixat de pensar en tu: ara la Laia diria, la Laia faria conya, ara ....Continues tan present en tots els moments de les nostres vides
February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
un recuerdo para ti,Laia que es como una olorosa y real flor,cualquier flor que a ti te gustara o te guste..un recuerdo y amor
February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017
Avui com molts altres dies també ens hem enrecordat de tu.
Segueixes amb nosaltres i mai t'oblidarem.
February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017
Estimada Laia,
El primer que he pensat en despertar-me és que avui seria un dia trist però alegre a la vegada , doncs el teu somriure ens acompanyarà tota la jornada i això és una sort!
Neus i Lluís
February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017
Pensando en ti siempre! Thinking of you.
Me pongo tus aretes mucho, son hermosos, como tu.
Pensando en ti Laia querida y en Ron siempre.
February 12, 2017
February 12, 2017
Estimada, Dear Laia,
Encara que ja t'ho he dit personalment perquè estàs amb mi, també t'ho dic publicament: Felicitats amiga!
Although I told you personally because you're with me,I also say aloud: Happy Birthday friend!
January 31, 2017
January 31, 2017
quería agradecerte Laia todo lo que nos transmitiste a los que tuvimos la suerte de ser alumnos tuyos en la universidad de Barcelona. A pesar de que hace muchos años que no sabia nada de ti,siempre has estado muy presente en mi vida. Contigo aprendí aspectos vitales que no se aprenden en los libros y sobretodo maneras diferentes de entender y apreciar la vida. Gracias eternas Laia y deseo toda la felicidad que pueda lograrse,  como tu nos transmitías para ti estes donde estes!! Conocerte fue un regalo de la vida, de verdad!!
December 20, 2016
December 20, 2016
Tu siempre irradias luz y alegría, que felicidad conocerte!
December 20, 2016
December 20, 2016
Always thinking of you always! Siempre estas en nuestros pensamientos, mujer maravillosa, amiga leal y cercana, tu vida ha sido un ejemplo, no cabe duda alguna. Te queremos, siempre!!!
December 19, 2016
December 19, 2016
Ja ha passat un any i estas molt present.
Mai t'oblidarem i et trobem a faltar carinyo.
December 19, 2016
December 19, 2016
Malgrat el temps transcorregut, un any ja, et continuem sentint tan a prop... Notem la teva presència constant.
En aquest moment em ve a la ment un record "moníssim" com a tu t!agradava dir
Et veig , com si fos ara, enfilada a la cadira recitant el vers de Nadal amb una gràcia, il.lusió i energia que ens emocionava a tots. Són records inesborrables
Sentim tant d'enyor pel viscut al teu costat...
T'estimem i et trobem a faltar
Neus i Lluís
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February 13
February 13
Laia estimada,
No et creguis que se m'hagi passat per alt el teu aniversari(12-2)....Mai se m'oblida! Sempre em sorprèn que m'acompanyis en tantes activitats i que segueixis tan present, en la meva vida i en els meus somnis. En l'últim (va ser fa uns dies) m'ensenyaves un missatge molt estrany que jo sabia que venia d'un món molt llunyà ,el qual encara no he sabut desxifrar ....M,ajudaràs a entendre'l algún dia? Una abraçada carinyo ❤️
December 20, 2023
December 20, 2023
Querida Neus..... muchísimas gracias para tu palabras tan real, tan directa, y tan suave. Quant m'hauria agrada poder estar a l'habitacio amb tu quan la Laia recitaba la versa.
Recent stories

Another conversation with Laia

March 21, 2016

On Friday I received an email from Elisabet, Laia's "soul sister". She told me that she has been talking with Laia since she died, and that she always senses Laia's responses, which are often very funny. On Friday, however, she felt that she actually heard Laia speaking. Here are Elisabet's words (translated from the text in the story she posted below):
Today I found myself talking to Laia and she told me that she now understands what the universe is thanks to not having body, which has allowed her to "melt" into it. She told me that the universe is composed of an infinite number of energies, always alive and evolving, always in touch and in relation to other energies. That this is death. She told me that she is receiving our energy, our love, and that this is what allows her to be in touch with us and to send us lots of love too, because energy always circulates.

Otra charla con Laia

March 19, 2016



Hoy me he "descubierto" otra vez hablando con Laia, como viene siendo habitual desde que se fue.

Esta vez me contaba que ahora ella entiende qué es el universo porque gracias a no tener cuerpo ha podido fundirse con él.

Me decía que el universo está formado por un infinito número de energías, siempre vivas y en transformación, siempre en contacto y en relación con otras energías. Que en eso consiste la muerte.

También me contaba  que esta recibiendo nuestra energía, nuestro amor y que eso le permite estar en contacto con nosotros y enviarnos mucho amor también, porque las energias se retroalimentan.

Gracias otra vez, Laia, por tu clarividente y fluida comunicación. Siempre te querré.


Robert Sardello's article, Artistic Living

March 18, 2016

Artistic Living

Strengthening our competence of soul, becoming aware of the tremendous power of fear in the world, living more from the region of the heart, developing imaginal cognition - all of these open the way to love. Still, one may ask, how can I tell when such efforts begin to bear fruit? They bear fruit from the moment we begin to shift our imagination even slightly. This shift begins when our encounters with fear go from being a burden to becoming a means through which we make the world holy. Fear desecrates, profanes, curses the world, and ultimately seeks to destroy it. Approached consciously, however, fear prompts us, through our inner capacities of imagination, to create something beautiful. This is why our stance towards fear must be one of neutralizing rather than destroying.

Although love can make a new world and effectively cancel the power of fear, it can only do so indirectly, through the beauty it inspires. Beauty, which here will be defined as the act of living artistically, is love made visible in the world. Artistic living consists of developing the ability to display, through our actions and attitudes, the power of soul and spirit in and for the world.

Through Love to Beauty

The shift of our imagination - from fighting against fear to bringing love into the world - comes not from the perception of less fear in the world, but rather from the perception of more beauty. Ugliness is the overcoat with which fear blankets the world, so if we are to counteract its presence, we have to connect with beauty. Working through fear to the central significance of love brings us to beauty as naturally as the darkness of night leads to the glow of dawn.

Beauty is an expansive concept, so we have to approach it by considering how it functions rather than trying to define its nature. It functions, first and foremost, as a question, a calling forth of the imagination to try to understand the depth of soul life. Once we have cleared away the torrent of fears that keep us so confined to the ugly, we will find a space within the heart that reverberates with the question: Why am I here? As long as we

are running scared, the question cannot be heard, but if we listen carefully, we can hear the question being asked, as continuously as the beating of our hearts. This question is the inner standpoint from which the possibility of artistic living originates.

How should we answer this crucial question? Being alive means so much to each of us. Could we deny that? Well, some people would. The circumstances of their lives may lead them to say that they do not want to be here. This is fear speaking through them. As fear dominates the life of the soul, people no longer feel a lust for life. Clear away this fear, even a little, and the exuberance returns.

Should we answer by saying that we’re here to seek happiness? A fool’s errand, since our happiness will always be fleeting, especially if it depends on material wants and desires. Perhaps we believe that we are here to prepare for the afterlife. We cannot forget, however, that we are now beings of Earth, and our lives here must also have a meaning. Perhaps we are here because Earth needs is. If we start with what meets our senses, if we are able to be present, we can experience Earth as a holy place. If we seek beauty in this direction and stand in awe of everything around us, love begins to find its larger purpose and fulfillment.

Our imagination is required to see that whatever we do should augment the beauty that surrounds us. All indigenous peoples live on Earth with this kind of respect for nature. In such cultures, Earth is not seen as a collection of animate beings and inanimate objects. Instead, all things are recognized as having their own soul and spirit, their own personality. Such an understanding is not regressive, it springs naturally from the act of releasing love into the world. But it’s up to us to find our own way to engage with beauty. As much as we may admire other cultures, we cannot replicate their efforts.

The path to beauty is found in the efforts we make to engage the holy as it exists all around us. From this point of view, beauty is an active presence, something we are called to, not a passive object waiting for us to appreciate it. Because the word beauty is irreducible to a single meaning, we ought to start by clearing a little ground for how we will approach it. Although our principal concern will not be with art, or with aesthetics, or

with the beauty of the natural world, nonetheless, we can learn something crucial about artistic living by describing a certain central aspect of all kinds of beauty.

Let us first consider the beauty of the natural world - the beauty of a sunset, a rainbow, a field of yellow flowers, a deer running through the woods, the majesty of a snow-capped mountain. When a thing appears beautiful it does so because it belongs together with the whole. The natural world functions as a whole, with each individual thing having its place within it. If you see a field of yellow flowers, it is in the context of of a landscape; that landscape in turn exists in relationship to other landscapes; and the blue sky overhead does not end at the boundaries of the field. If you walk into the field, cut a bouquet of flowers, and take them home, they still belong to the rain that fell on them, the ground that nurtured them, and the insects that thrived on their pollen. Beauty, rather than being something in itself, derives from these larger relationships. If we react in awe to a lion in the zoo, it is but a shadowy reflection of a lion in its natural surroundings. We hardly recognize it, but it is true.

Both the vase of flowers and the lion in the zoo have been taken from their living context. Their beauty does not vanish entirely, because they are still here in the world and belong within the whole. But they can lose their beauty if not approached in a way that honors their context. We honor the flowers by arranging them, an act of artistic imagination which may add something to their beauty - or diminish it, if our arrangements are haphazard.

In the same way, human beings are part of the whole. We exist within a context that includes absolutely everything. Although we function as individuals, we are not isolated. We are inextricably bound up with others, with the world, and with the wider cosmos. Even our bodies exist only as a nexus of relationships; it is the place from which the world opens for us. We are in a relationship with the air, with plant and animal life, with others, with the sun, the moon and the stars.

Our sense of individuality arises quite naturally with the emergence of ego consciousness. Only when fear enters to harden and crystalize our feelings of separation does this individuality come to feel like isolation. If we imagine

that we are nothing more than a complex object inserted onto the stage of the world, we lose the very connections that sustain the life of the sould. Although it’s logically possible to conceive of the human being in such isolation, it is not a fruitful way to live in the world.

We rely on a sense of the whole all the time. For example, the meaning of this sentence cannot be determined from the meaning of each word taken in isolation. Only as the words are read in relation to each other does the meaning of the sentence appear; the meaning of each word is thus dependent on the whole sentence. Likewise, when we awaken in the morning, we are part of the complete world., though we experience the meaning of that world only through the relationship of its many parts. As we discover the meaning of the totality, the whole in turn becomes an aspect of our perception of the parts. This imaginative consciousness of part-whole perception is key to the experience of beauty.

Art is different from the beauty of the natural world. A work of art exists wholly in itself. Some may say that a work of art exists only within the context of all other works of art., in the way that a flower in the field exists in relation to all the other things of the natural world. That is not correct. A painting, for example, is a complete unique world unto itself. Every true painter knows this. A painter cannot paint the parts of the painting in isolation - he or she has to paint with the whole image in mind. A novice painter has difficulty doing this because it requires a different mode of consciousness. The painter uses one brushstroke at a time, but the final painting consists of more than the accumulation of these parts. A true painter knows when she has made a wrong stroke of the brush; she realizes when she has fallen into painting just a tree rather than a landscape. And whereas wholeness already exists within the natural world, in a work of art it must be made.

The notion that wholeness, or beauty, exists only in a transcendent realm belies the way that artists actually create. Art is not a matter of making the imaginative realm real. An artist takes what is real and gives it imaginative form. In art, the imaginative is not made real; the real is made imaginative. An artistic image does not exist apart from the sensory presentation of itself.

Art does not exist for mere amusement, and when it tries to, it falls into decadence. Through art we experience spiritual pleasure, through the presence of something completely sensual. Such an artistic phenomena satisfies because it is both a sensory object and an imaginative display of soul and spirit qualities. Beauty in a work of art is always something real and direct. Art does not merely point us towards beauty, because it is sensory, it is a direct link to the realm of the soul.

Most theories of artistic creations confuse the impulse of art with that of religion. They approach artistic creation as if it were founded in revelation., either from the heavens above or from the inner depths of the soul. If this were so, a work of art could never be satisfying because a huge gap exists between the revelation and its expression. Just as when we have an insight and try to convey it in words, and feel the inadequacy of our words, the notion of bringing down inspiration from the spiritual world will always result in feelings of inadequacy.

We could think of religion and art as two currents working in opposite directions. Religion is based on spiritual revelations which become coded in texts and rituals. Art, at least in our time, is based on human efforts to elevate our sensory experiences to the spirit realms. Rudolf Steiner speaks of art as a “reversed cult”. He means, in effect, that the artist’s task is to create something of a spiritual nature from sensory materials, while the task of religion is to bring the soul and spirit domain into sensory expression.

Our task of making ourselves whole resembles the artistic model of creation more than the religious model. Most people who become interested in soul work do so out of a religious need. having given up on organized religion as a means of caring for the individual soul. Jung’s work, for example, stemmed from his difficulties with religion, which led him to establish a spiritual basis for psyche. Instead of listening to sermons, Jung said, one ought to listen to one’s dreams and work at knowing the inner gods as they are revealed through archetypal patterns.

I daresay, knowing that it will be controversial, that the psychology of Jung has not had and most likely will not have much effect on the process of bringing beauty into the world. Although his psychology has the potential to

renew religious sensibility, it has had virtually no effect on the making of beauty in the world. There is no Jungian architecture, drama, poetry, music or other forms of beauty stemming from his work. He came closest to understanding soul work that is world-oriented with his study of alchemy, but even there he missed the mark because he failed to see that alchemy was an art, concerned with real, sensory materials and their transformation into spiritual qualities through human agency. He placed no value on what the alchemists actually did and only looked at their psychic makeup.

I am not attempting to dismiss Jung and the larger field of depth psychology. His capacities of observation were highly developed, and we have to be thankful for his scientific training and dogged determination to know through observation more than through his mystical inclinations. This aspect of Jung services as a model for any true soul work. Approaching the question of how we can go about making ourselves whole relies completely upon the capacity for careful observation.

Painting and Vision

A painter takes color and form and arranges them so that we see an image that reveals the inner depth of the world. The painter’s visual imagination may turn outward, seeing beyond the surface of things into their inner qualities. It may also turn inward, seeing within the soul itself. In either case, the painter is able to see that color and form are living beings.

Where we may see just a red object, a static form with a colored surface, the painter feels the activity of such an object and seeks to capture it on the canvas. We may look at a field of sunflowers and admire its beauty, Van Gogh saw such an intensity of life in the vibrant yellow against the blue of the sky, swirling into each other, creating each other, that to make an image of what he saw almost killed him. With such vision, the painter does not just see what is before her, but sees a unified whole of color and form and is conscious of the fact that it is the soul making this perception. This kind of vision does not arise from the detached point of view of an omniscient spectator, but from a merging of the soul’s imaginative consciousness with the outer world. Regardless of the content of what the painter paints, this kind of seeing is involved.

That kind of observation captures reality more thoroughly than science, because it takes into account the viewer, not just as a theoretical construct, but as an actuality. Viewed in this way, the world no longer exists of things and events, but of living beings that display their nature only by being seen through the soul.

If we do not look deeply into the world and see its life in ways that are analogous to a painter’s vision, the world withers away and dies, even though on the surface it seems to go on as usual. The oceans become infested with oil because we really cannot see that they not only contain life, but are alive. The forests are ruthlessly cut away because we no longer can really see a tree. Vast areas of land give way to huge shopping centers because we cannot see the living landscape.

For anyone who begins to really see the world, vision can be painful. Although it may not be immediately apparent, much of the world around us is now dead. To bring our capacity to see to life, even a little, by taking the time and the care to look, shows us with tragic clarity how much fear already dominates the world. It takes spiritual courage to really look, but our efforts to see through the eyes of the soul without recoiling in horror will not go unnoticed by the world.

Posted with permission of Robert Sardello

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