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April 6, 2022
April 6, 2022
Happy birthday, Sir. We miss you. Please stay well.

Yours affectionately,
March 27, 2022
March 27, 2022
It is almost a year now since Mahbub passed from this world but his legacy lives on in so many ways! The students he so passionately committed his lifetime of work to and provided lifetime opportunities for now carry his voice and vision into the future. The academic department that he led with unceasing commitment to growth and strength continues to grow and gain strength due to his vision and hard work.
Those of us who worked with him over the years know how very devoted to his work he was and how that focus truly drove his unending efforts in his field. He never complained about being busy and took on more than just his duties as a faculty member and chair; he also served on many university committees as well. In my own memories of working closely with him, the memory of his smile and the sometimes mischievous sparkle in his eye drift through my mind and still bring a smile to my face.
And, last but definitely NOT least, I will remember his devotion and pride in his family. He never boasted, but always spoke with pride of his son. And his unending commitment to his wife was visible to all as they walked together to and from work and accompanied each other at social occasions. They were always together. Though they are separated now, it is only momentary in the realm of God’s time and when the time is right God will watch as they stroll together again forever. Knowing Mahbub was a blessing in my life and he will never be forgotten.
July 13, 2021
July 13, 2021

ইউনিভার্সিটি নানা

নামটার মধ্যেই উনার প্রোফাইল এর একটা হালকা ফ্লেবার পাওয়া যায়। উনি ছোটবেলায় এই নামেই আমাদের কাছে পরিচিত ছিলেন। সম্পর্কএ নানা হলেও আমাদের কেমিস্ট্রি ছিল মামা ভাগিনার মতোই। চুপচাপ প্রকৃতির এই নানাকে দেখে বা তার কোড অফ কন্ডাক্ট দেখে বুঝার উপায় ছিলোনা যে উনি কতটা আধুনিক প্রযুক্তি নির্ভর। আমরা ভবিষ্যৎ প্রযুক্তি অনুমান করার কিছুর সামর্থ পাই উনার কাছ থেকেই। আমার জন্মের (বোধোদয়ের) পর থেকেই উনি ছিলেন বুয়েট ক্যাম্পাস এ, যার দরুন উনার নাম টা এখনো ইউনিভার্সিটি নানা নামেই আমাদের স্মৃতিকে কে ট্রিগার করে।

অনেক স্মৃতি উনার সাথে জড়িয়ে আছে জীবনের প্রতিটি অংশে। একটা বড় সময় পার করেছেন তিনি প্রবাসে। কিন্তু আমাদের জীবন থেকে কখনো দূরে ছিলেন না। আমাদের পরিবারের বিশেষ সময় গুলোতে উনি কিভাবে যেন মহাদেশ মহাসাগর পাড়ি দিয়ে চলে আসতেন। পরিবারের প্রতিটি সদস্যের মাঝে উনি স্মৃতির দাগ কেটে গেছেন ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ড আর্টিস্ট হিসেবে। অত্যন্ত মিতব্যয়ী নানা কখনো পরিবারের একটি সদস্য কে তার উপহারের লিস্ট থেকে বাদ দেননি প্রতিবার দেশে আসার সময়। ভালবাসা ছিল সবার প্রতি। শুধু ভালবাসা নয় সম্পর্কের দায়ত্বিশীলতা সবার অবস্থা সম্পর্কে আপডেটএড থাকার কাজটিও উনি অজান্তেই করে গেছেন। আমার বিয়ের সময় প্রফেশনাল ক্যামেরামান রাখা হয়েছিল ভিডিও ছবি ধরণের জন্য। বাট নাথিং বিটস মাই নানাস ভিডিওগ্রাফি। এখনো অনেক মুহূর্ত আমরা মিস করিনা উনার নিরব প্রাইভেট ক্যামেরার গুনে। প্রতিটি ঘটনার ডিটেইল এ চলে যেতেন উনি। আর প্রতিটা আনুষ্ঠানিকতায় উনি আমাদের চাইতে প্রোএক্টিভে ছিলেন কোনো সঙ্কোচ ছাড়াই।

মিতব্যায়ীতা বা সেন্স অফ বেস্ট উটিলাইজেশন অফ রিসৌর্স এর এক অনন্য উদাহরণ ছিলেন তিনি। তার একটা ছোট ঘটনা বলি। সেটা ছিল তাহীন এর জন্মদিন (দ্বিতীয় কি তৃতীয় হবে), অনেক বড় একটা আয়োজন ছিল। আমরাও ব্যাস্ত হয়েছিলাম বিভিন্ন ইভেন্ট এ। বরাবর এর মতো প্রফেশনাল ভিডিওম্যান ছিল আমাদের বড় অনুষ্ঠানের একটা অংশ। সাধারণত বিয়ের প্রোগ্রাম ছাড়া তখন ভিডিওম্যান ভাড়া করা হতোনা। তাই কনটেন্ট হিসেবে জন্মদিনের ভিডিও ছিল শর্ট টাইম এর। বাট তিন ঘন্টার ভিডিও' ক্যাসেটে এ এক ঘন্টার রেকর্ডিং বাকিটা খালি, ইয়ে তো বহত নাঈনসাফী। সাইলেন্টলি এর সল্যুশন ছিল নানার কাছে। প্রায় প্রতি উইকেন্ড এই আমরা উনাকে পেতাম আমাদের কারো না কারো বাসায় উইথ ভিডিও কাভারেজ। উনি আসতেন ভিসিট এ আর পিছনে থাকতো সেই জন্মদিনের ভিডিওম্যান, অনেকটা সেলেব্রেটি স্টাইল এ। এই দুই ঘন্টা রিলের শুটিং চলে প্রায় একবছর যাবৎ। আমরা খুব এনজয় করেছিলাম কিন্তু ভিডিওম্যান এর হালুয়া টাইট হয়ে ছিল। এরকম অনেক কমেডি ঘটনার জনক তিনি। অতিমেধাবী একজন বুয়েট এর প্রফেসর এর রেগুলার গুরুগম্ভীর কোনো ভাব তার মধ্যে ছিলোনা রাদআর হি ওয়াস এ কমেডি টাইপ।

কম্পিউটার নামের যে একটা জিনিস আছে এটা আমার উনার বদৌলতেই জানা। প্রথিমিক জ্ঞানটাও পাই নানার কাছ থেকে। সে সময় আমার সমসাময়িক বা সহপাঠী রা এ বেপারে কিছু জানতই না যেখানে আমি সি প্রম্পট কমান্ড দেয়া থেকে শুরু করে উইন্ডোস, ম্যাকিন্টোস পর্যন্ত রপ্ত করে ফেলি উনার মাধ্যমেই। জীবনে প্রথম যখন ইন্টারনেট এর দেখা পাই উনি ছিলেন তখন অস্ট্রেলিয়া তে মোনাশ ইউনিভার্সিটি তে। আমার ইমেইল চালাচালির একমাত্র রেসিপিয়েন্ট ছিলেন তিনি। অনেক তথ্য তখন আদান প্রদান এর অভ্ভাস গড়ে উঠে ইমেইল এর মাদ্ধমে যদিও এখনকার তুলনায় হাজার গুন স্লো ছিল তখনকার নেট স্পিড। উনার সাথে কথোপকথন গুলা ছিল খুবই স্বাভাবিক কিন্তু এর মাঝেই প্রযুক্তিগত ধারণাগুলো নিজের অজান্তেই মস্তিষ্কের অন্তর্গত হয়ে যেত।

আমাদের পরিবারে স্কলার এর অভাব নাই ,কিন্তু উনার স্ট্রোরি আমরা শুনতাম ছোটবেলা থেকেই অনেকটা পাঠবইয়ের মতো করেই। নানার স্কুল জীবন, ক্যাডেট কলেজের অধ্যাবসায় , এসএসসি এইচ এস সি তে মেধাতালিকায় স্থান করে নেয়া বুদাপেস্ট এর স্কলারশিপ শেষ করে সেখান থেকে পালিয়ে দেশে ফেরা সবই রূপকথার গল্পের মতো করে শুনতাম। নিঃসন্দেহে তিনি আমাদের কাছে স্কলার এর রোল মডেল ছিলেন। জীবনে পড়াশুনা করলে কি পাবো তা উনা কে দিয়েই অনুমান করতে পারতাম। উনার ধরে কাছেও যেতে পারি নাই কিন্তু এটা ঠিক, হি ওয়াস ইনস্পিরেশন বিহাইন্ড মন দিয়ে পড়াশুনা। আমাদের কে একটা স্ট্যান্ডার্ড সেট করে দিয়েছিলেন তিনি। পাশাপাশি জীবন যে কত আনন্দের কত একটিভিটি তে পরিপূর্ণ সেই জ্ঞান ও দিয়েছেন তিনি। বাংলা রচনাতে যদি বলা হয় তোমার জীবনের আদর্শ তাহলে পরিবারের বাইরে যাবার প্রয়োজন হয় না। ইনফ্যাক্ট জীবনের লক্ষ হিসেবে তখন আমার মাথায় শিক্ষকতা টাই চোখের সামনে আসতো (পরে অবশ্য অনেক ভ্যারিয়েন্ট ছিল ). আমার পোস্টাল স্ট্যাম্প জমানোর একটা স্ক্র্যাপবুক ছিল ছোটবেলায় , যেটাতে বুদাপেস্ট/হাঙ্গেরি র স্ট্যাম্প ছিল শ খানেক এর উপরে। এই স্ট্যাম্প গুলো ছিল সবই আমার মায়ের কাছ থেকে পাওয়া। নানা বিদেশে থাকা অবস্থায় দেশের সাথে কত কানেক্টেড ছিলেন ইটা তার ই প্রমান যদিও কোনো প্রযুক্তি তখন ছিলোনা।

আসলে এতদিন ভাবিনি কতকিছু পেয়েছি নানার কাছ থেকে। আজকে বাংলা টাইপ করার সময় ও উনার অবদান এর কথা মনে পরে গেল। এর পেছনের কারিগরকে এখনো কেউ জানেনা। বাংলা টাইপ এর ফন্ট উনিই প্রথম ডিজাইন করেন যা পরে এক বিশেষ ব্যাক্তির সাফল্য হিসেবে চালিয়ে দেয়া হয়েছিল। উনি উন্নত বিশ্বে অনেক স্বীকৃতি পেয়েছেন তার অবদানের জন্য কিন্তু আমরা জাতি হিসেবে আসলেই লজ্জিত এই কিংবদন্তি কে সঠিক মূল্যায়ন করতে পারিনি । যাই হোক উনার জীবনের প্রাপ্তির কাছে এগুলো তুচ্ছ বিষয়। আফটার অল হি ওয়াস আ কম্পলিট ম্যান।   

নানার ঘটনাবহুল জীবন নিয়ে লিখতে গেলে শেষ হবেনা। উনার চলে যাওয়াটা এখনো আমার কাছে স্বপ্নের মতো লাগে। তিনি এখনো আছেন আমাদের মাঝে প্রতিটা সম্পর্কে প্রতিটা অবদানে। সর্বশক্তিমান উনাকে জান্নাতুল ফিরদাউস নসিব করুক।

শাহরিয়ার খোরশেদ
July 6, 2021
July 6, 2021
Mahbub was a cherished friend and colleague. His commitment to students was exemplary and unflinching. He was a strong advocate of the CIS department and was dedicated to helping students and faculty. I will always remember his smile and kindness. With a heavy heart, I offer my condolences to his family and friends.
July 2, 2021
July 2, 2021
I was shocked and very sad when I heard the passing away of Syed from his only son, Tahin. In fact, I talked to him a few times prior to one month his passing away that too when he was not keeping well. Despite his inability to talk, he said, "let us talk, but I cannot speak much and will listen to you". He was even wishing me in my job search despite his poor health. I consider Syed as my loving brother and great friend. In 1995, we moved to Australia as immigrants, Syed and Bhabi were the first ones to invite us to their home for dinner and they are truly generous and humble couple I have ever come across. I still remember the day when I visited Syed and his family as they always make so many items for lunch and dinner and repeated the same when I visited him in Mankato. Syed has visited us when were in London and we were so happy to spend time with him. After we moved to the US, I have been constantly in touch with him. We used to talk hours over phone and he listens to us about our problems, but not the other way when he was in North Dakota and then in Mankato. He has encouraged me to apply for a position at MSU Mankato in 2012 and helped me in many ways without expecting any return. This is all about the generosity of Syed and Bhabi is the same. He is always pleasant, calm, happy and helpful. I still remember visiting Syed and Bhabi in Mankato. They are so generous and great human beings. We have worked on research projects, and edited a special issue and book on multimedia and it was a popular topic in those days. Syed is always with us and his memories stay forever. We used to talk about his summer gardening including growing vegetables and so on. It is a great loss for me and for my family as we miss a great friend and human being. My heartfelt condolences go to my Bhabi and Tahin. Syed is always with us and he is around seeing us all the time from heaven. I never forgot your help and kindness, Syed. You are always in my heart, Syed. I am unbale to accept he is not with us anymore. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bhabi and Tahin. Rest is Peace, Syed.
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
In Memory of Professor Dr. Syed Mahbubur Rahman
August 10, 1988. First day of class at BUET, CSE department. We the first 30 students being introduced by
departmental faculty (all sir): Towfiq, Zunaid, Tahshin Asker, Kamrul Morshed, Masroor Ali headed by Mahbub sir.
We (BUET CSE87) were the parallel first batch of CSE ever in Bangladesh. I was about to hesitate to study CSE,
as questioned then by many: lack of faculty, textbook, lab facility etc. etc. But the very first welcome speech
by Mahbub sir made us confident that everything will be fine. Some one asked him how much we will be learning,
whereas industry expects more etc. etc. Sir convinced us that whatever is covered in classes, just try to understand
and instill ourself and that will be enough. What I learned from him (1988-1992), still today I repeat the same every
new semester to all new students (BTW I have taught more than 4000 CS students in Bangladesh and North America)
Sir used to take our Digital Logic (textbook of Ramesh S. Gaonkar) Automata design class. I still remember his
topics of Mealy vs Moore machine concepts, flip-flop, NAND-NAND realization, processing handy scanner image processing
(msp file) etc. One of his greatest quality of teaching was that he could make us understand difficult concept in plain
simple language and example.
I remember once in Exam Hall, there was some error in questions, sir used to walk in each students' and personally corrected
During 1989, there was a "Computer Day". All the major computer vendors in Dhaka attended the day long stall, event and ceremony.
Sir had huge networking and connection. I remember sir used to organize a number of seminars and those who visited from abroad, they
were given chance to hold seminar in the CSE department as well as in the Gallery of Civil Engineering building.
Because of Mahbub sir, we had a very enriched/huge curriculum consist of 8 semesters of about 192 credits. Most of the courses
had separate lab. We learnt a lot of Electrical Engineering courses, plus a lot of Mathematics in addition to core CSE courses.
All the junior faculty of CSE (Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, Abul Kashem Mia, Hasanuzzaman and many more) were fan of Mahbub sir.
1989-90, sir's only son born, Marsoor sir informed us all. His name is Tahsin, a super genius, deans list merit scholar,
finished undergraduate in less than three years.
Sir was promoted to be the youngest Full Professor, then he moved to Monash University Australia during 1992, served there till 1999
for 7 years. I was NOT in direct contact with him, but got all the update from my dear friend Manzur Morshed
(sir left Monash and Manzur entered!)
During 1999-2001 I was in Australia, but somehow missed to see sir.
During 2002, I had the opportunity to listen to Mahbub sir's keynote speech @ ICCIT. There were more than 400
audiences, pin drop silent in Bangladesh China friendship conference center. Sir was delivering e-commerce development
contemporary topics. Some one asked regarding m-commerce. The term was not familiar to me. In response to the question,
sir explained a lot, and at the very last told the meaning of m-commerce for mobile commerce. That being said, I have never
seen sir to be annoyed with any students, he was always very calm and quiet. He does a lot of work, but in his face no sign of
I was able to reconnect Mahbub sir during 2013 somehow and till 2021 I was heavily connected. Please be patience for for my
subsequent para of writings, the memory of these past 8 years.
During 2012, I was CS faculty at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. I needed letter of refence (LOR), sir gladly provided
me one. Since then sir was my personal referee for job search, ACM Senior Membership, U.S Green Card application and many more.
During 2014, I joined Winona State University, a member of MNSCU. Mahbub sir's University at Mankato was about 3 and half hours of
driving from Winona. One day IO visited sir's home in Mankato. Despite sir and Bhabi's tight work schedule, they cooked so many items
that my co-traveller (named Bari) was astonished. Sir shown me his office room, department, gym and other notable places of MNSU.
I noticed during the showing, we came across a number of students, almost all of them greeted sir very well and sir was very friendly
to them. I have worked in more than 10 Universities, such a Student-Teacher relationship as maintained by sir amazed me. I think
I must be very friendly to fellow students!
From 2014 till March 2021, I can confidently say that I was sir's top favourite. It has never been the case that I called
him and could not reach. Suppose sir is watering garden, bhabi received the phone, right away sir continue for hours.
Even if he was super busy in departmental meeting, coould let me know that he will call me back by such and such time.
I don't think I will have any more Professor in North America who will give me so much valuable time. Sir was a very patient
listener, and at the end could suggest the very best options.
2019, First North American BUET CSE Get Together, sir happily accepted to be the chief guest. If Kaykobad sir did
not point to us, it could never happen. Sir was very happy, below I am copying what sir had written in response to my
Vote of Thanks.
Dear All,
Thank you all for providing me and my wife such a great and one of the very rare opportunity to meet all of you after a long time.
We would also like to provide our thanks to Emdad, Salahuddin, Ujjal and others for their lead role in organizing the first CSE
reunion and making it such an inviting event. Please accept our heartfelt greetings.
I found this event as a great and very successful one. I am certain that, with this first event you all have
planted a seed for future much bigger events that will provide fruits for our future generations that will benefit all of us.
As indicated during the event, our invitation to visit us will remain open to all of you and we will be very happy to see
you visit us in Mankato at your convenient time.
Please be in touch.
With best wishes.
Dr. Mahbubur Syed
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Computer Information Science
Minnesota State University Mankato
273 Wissink Hall
Ph: (507) 389 3226
2020 March, one day sir called me to know how we are doing. Then during August, Munir arranged Zoom meeting with all CSE87
friends for non-stop 4 hours live discussions.
2020 December, thanks to Dr. Latifur Khan bhai to arrange a session with CSE Alumni (a total of 55 showed up, sir was there
as well).
2021 March. One day I called sir for some reason. By the by sir wanted to know the phone number of Sabina (EEE) and Kajol Bhai.
I am NOT sure whether they could talk with sir or not. The lesson I learnt, if some one seek you, no matter how busy you are,
just say hi. Since then 40 days past, I was NOT in touch with Mahbub sir and whether there was any health related issues with him.
2021 April 14, got to know during Iftar from Munir that sir is at ICU , then while praying Taraweeh in congregation,
seen the news from Salem’s post. Right away requested the Imam Hajiz-e-Quran to pray for the departed soul of Mahbub sir.
This is an unique experience for me to get to know some one very near and dear and who no more with us in the Holy month of Ramadan.
As for myself, I lost one of my personal referee for the past 7 years in job searching, U.S. green card application and many more.
During 2019, first North American BUET CSE get together, sir was the chief guest and he was very happy that we have honored him such a way.
May Allah grant Mahbub sir the highest place in Jannatul Ferdous —Ameen
PS: I have read all the emotional postings from the followings: Mukul bhai, Azad Khan, Latif Bhai, Zulker Bhai, Dina Apa,
Masud (CSE89) and many others.
Emdad Ahmed
Friday, April 16, 2021
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
Mahbub truly embodied the words non nobis solum nati sumus: Not to ourselves alone are we born. He was committed to serving and supporting his students, colleagues, university, and community. He was modest and remarkably cheerful in the face of challenges, and persistent in his pursuit of the greater good. I always valued his perspective and benefited from his counsel. May he rest in peace. 

Stephen J. Stoynoff, Ph.D.
Professor of English and
Distinguished Faculty Scholar Emeritus
Minnesota State University, Mankato

May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
Back in 2006 Muhbubur called my real estate office seeking a home to purchase, after many phone calls he settled on a house close to MSU. He was a joy to work with, very friendly and curious about the real estate market, always speculating. Sorry to hear that he has passed.
May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
It was an honor for me to know Mahbub. His genuine devotion to ensuring the success of students, colleagues, friends, and the various universities at which he worked is 2nd to none. Behind his many successes in life was an extraordinary (unparalleled) amount of hard work. Basically, Mahbub was a fixture on the 2nd floor of the Wissink building at MSU. No matter what time of the day (most days close to midnight), day of the week (including Saturdays and Sundays), the weather (including subzero temperatures) one could find Mahbub hard at work. I can remember him climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor of Wissink with his glasses frosted over, his face pink, and of course, a big smile on his face. He laughed heartily at a good joke. I never heard him say a negative work about anyone. He was always willing to interrupt his work for a good chat.
I got to know a personal side of Mahbub when I watched a video of an extended family celebration that took place in Bangladesh. There were lots of singing, pageantry and people adorned in beautifully colored clothing. What I did not expect is that Mahbub was often the center of attention singing many solo songs. The happiness expressed in his face was impossible to overlook. It was clear he was loved by all and that he loved everyone.
I regret not getting to know Mahbub better. He was an honorable and honest man. He was a man in the truest sense of the word.
Charles Waters
May 4, 2021
May 4, 2021
I met Dr. Mahbubur Syed first time at Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2014 where I went for my graduate studies. I had a lot of good memories with him. He was a simple, kind, and generous person. It is difficult to bear his sudden demise at this age. May Almighty rest him in eternal peace.
May 4, 2021
May 4, 2021
I first met Dr. Mahbubur Syed in December 1999 when he came to join at Minnesota State University. We basically interviewed for our respective jobs at the same time and he joined a semester later. During his moving period, weather was bad, he went to ditch and never liked driving during Winter months in Minnesota.

We became very good friends and he became a mentor of mine. He would spend hours helping me or any other individual sought help from him. He was very kind person. He was very hard working and sincerest person I ever known.

He used to joke a lot in our social gatherings. He was always with smiling face even during our disagreements. Most of the time his disagreements were not real as he loved to argue.

We will miss him very much. We still can't believe that he is no longer with us.

We wish his peace in his grave and in his afterlife.
May 4, 2021
May 4, 2021
Mahbubur Rahman Syed was very simple, friendly, and nice person. He was not only a friend, he was as like as our elder brother.
May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021
I worked with Mahbub for over 20 years in the CIS Department. He was my colleague and friend. I still cannot believe he is gone. I'll miss is clever sense of humor and advocacy for our department. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, especially his wife and son. Rest in peace Mahbub.
April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
Mahbub's childhood roommates describe him "as always smiling and a humble and polite student who never got in trouble." As an adult, he was as smiling, humble, and polite as ever, but as a department chair, he was willing to get into a little trouble if it meant defending his students, his colleagues, or his department. He was a kind man, an inspiring teacher, and a good and dependable colleague. We will miss him.
April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
Mahbub was a dear colleague at MSU. Mahbub was one of the hardest working professors on campus. He was a strong advocate for students and was always ready to work hard with others to make the campus a better learning environment. I valued Mahbub's honesty, brilliance, and camaraderie. He was a kind man and always took the time to stop and connect with you. I was inspired by the way Mahbub talked about his family. My heart is broken - we've lost a special one.
April 27, 2021
মাহ্‌বুব স্যারের উপর আমার একটি ফেসবুক পোস্ট শেয়ার করছি। আমি কিছু ছবিও আপলোড করেছি।

বাংলাদেশ প্রকৌশল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞান ও প্রকৌশল বিভাগের সাবেক বিভাগীয় প্রধান অধ্যাপক ড. সৈয়দ মাহবুবুর রহমান আর নেই। ইন্না লিল্লাহি ওয়া ইন্না ইলাইহি রাজিউন।
স্যার গত ২০১৯ সালে অনুষ্ঠিত আন্তর্জাতিক সম্মেলনে ICCIT2019-এ একজন আমন্ত্রিত অতিথি হিসেবে এসেছিলেন। অবশ্য স্যার এই কনফারেন্সের রিসার্চ ইন্টিগ্রিটি কমিটির চেয়ার ছিলেন। আমি স্যারকে এর আগে কখনোই দেখি নাই। সেই কনফারেন্সেই প্রথম দেখা। সেই প্রথম দেখাতেই স্যারের কথা আর ব্যবহারে আমি একেবারে মুগ্ধ হয়ে গিয়েছিলাম। বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে অনেক গল্প করলেন। যাওয়ার আগে আমাকে আর আমার কলিগদের জন্য উনার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের নাম (মিনোসোটা স্টেট ইউনিভার্সিটি) লিখা অনেকগুলো কলম উপহার দিয়ে গিয়েছিলেন। আর বলেছিলেন, তোমাদের বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে অনেক আগে একবার এসে আমি একটি সেমিনারে বক্তব্য দিয়েছিলাম। সেটা ইউটিউবে খুঁজে দেখতো পাও কি-না, পেলে আমাকে লিঙ্কটি পাঠিয়ে দিবা আর কনফারেন্সের সকল ছবি গুগল ড্রাইভে দিয়ে সেটারও লিঙ্ক পাঠিয়ে দিবা। আমি ইউটিউব লিঙ্কটি পাঠিয়ে দেয়ার পরই স্যার আমাকে একটি রিপ্লাই ইমেইল দিলেন যেটাতে আমি খুব অভিভুত হয়ে গিয়েছিলাম। সেটা নিচে দিলাম আর সেই সাথে স্যারে কিছু ছবি। আল্লাহ্‌ স্যারকে জান্নাতুল ফিরদাউস নসীব করুন।
My email:
Dear Sir,
Assalamu alaikum.
I found your video at the following link:
Best regards,

Reply of Mahbub Sir:
Dear Dr. Bhuyan,
Thank you for sending me the link. I must recognize your expertise in searching.
Thank you for your hospitality during ICCIT 2019 conference. It was very well organized and you deserve the full credit as the organizing chair. I have witnessed firsthand your availability everywhere to manage the conference to run very smoothly and on time. Congratulations on your success. You must be very tired by now. You deserve few days of complete rest.
However, there is the last test – the picture test J. Please let us know when and how we can get access to the conference pictures (full resolution).
Thank you again.

Best regards.
April 27, 2021
April 27, 2021
When I think of Mahbub, it is his wide smile and his passion for his work that comes immediately to mind. I began working with him around 2007 to develop curriculum and last worked with him to develop the innovative and interdisciplinary gaming program. He was creative, innovative and always focused on a great educational experience for students. He will be deeply missed but his legacy will be long. My sympathies to his family, especially his wife and son.
April 27, 2021
April 27, 2021
I worked with Mahbub for many years, closely during his time as chair of his department, on many wonderful projects that supported our faculty and students. 

But what I remember most in my mind when I think of Mahbub is his wonderful smile and laughter. Even in the most challenging of situations, he always could add a levity, often paired with fabulous insight and wisdom.
April 27, 2021
April 27, 2021
Professor Mahbub Syed was an inspiration to many. He was a force for good, shaping students, fellow faculty colleagues, and yes, even administrators.

I will forever think of him as a mix of the elements of water and rock. Like a rock, he was immovable in his focus on serving students. Like water, he cared for and nourished the CIS department, its students, and its faculty.
April 26, 2021
April 26, 2021
Mahbubur Rahman Syed – my mentor and friend since I joined at Minnesota State University Mankato in 2015. After joining at MSU, anytime I have any question on anything, he was the person I used to go. He always took time to answer with details. He always gave me the right answer even though I did not ask the right questions. As always, he has his smile with him all the time. He never said busy help me out with anything. I will miss him forever. I know that he is smiling now up there! Thank You - Mahbubur Rahman Syed. I will never be able to repay you what you have done for me. With your guidance – I am getting success everyday now and will be in the future. You are never gone from me. You are always in my heart!

Your friend,
Shaheen Ahmed
April 25, 2021
April 25, 2021
Some days after we started our class in CSE, we found something went wrong and we went to a protest against some injustice happened to sir. We relalized and found that sir was very popular among our senior batches. We saw sir always as a very calm and ever smiling face. We found that our teachers used to like him very much. In 2001, I went to North Dakota State University. Oneday, my PhD adviser was praising that there was a talented faculty from your department CSE, BUET. Then I found, the person was Mahbub sir. And interestingly I found a big group of BUET students and some of our alumni there. I felt- wherever sir worked, sir created some impact and opportunities for the students. It is easy to travel a known path. But taking initiative for unknown path- building a new department was not easy. We are ever grateful to sir. May Allah give him Jannatul Firdous.
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
With our broken hearts (me and my wife Selima) I am writing this tribute note for Syed Mahbubur Rahman.
We had long association with his family. It started from BUET campus in 80's. When both of us were teaching. Afterwards, I left Bangladesh with my family to teach at National University of Singapore in 1986.
In later year, Mahbub and Tara Bhabi stayed in our house in Singapore for some time for medical treatment at National University Hospital. After they left for Australia and North America, we didn't have contact. But we knew his activities through my friend Dr. Alamghir Mohiuddin Khan (Mahbub's brother-in-law). Just in last month, while me and my wife are visiting our son and his family in New York, we communicated over telephone with Mahbub and Tara Bhabi several times. Last one in two weeks back.
Then we got the shocking news in only week. It was totally unbelievable.
We pray to Allah SWT to grant him Jannatul Firdous and give his family mental strength to bear the loss and move forward in this earthly life. Ameen.
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021
I got to know Mahbub first in my role at the university and by serving with him on various committees. I got to know him more so when I became a colleague of Sharifun in Institutional Research. I knew him as someone who was passionate about helping students and others and more importantly as a loving and caring father, husband and friend. He will be sorely missed by all that knew him.
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
অনেকের স্মৃতিচারণে এসেছে, আমরা যারাই স্যার এর নিবিড় সান্নিধ্য পেয়েছি তাদের অনেকেই ভেবেছি, আমিই স্যার এর সবচেয়ে প্রিয়পাত্র। এমনটি কেবল মাত্র সকলের প্রতি পক্ষপাতশূন্য মনোসংযোগ, কোমল হৃদয়, নির্মোহ জীবনাচার আর নিঃস্বার্থ পরোপকারী মনের মানুষের পক্ষেই অর্জন করা সম্ভব। নিশ্চয়ই মহান সৃষ্টিকর্তা স্যারকে তাঁর প্রিয়পাত্রদের দলের অন্তরভুক্ত করবেন, এই আমাদের প্রার্থনা।

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