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May 13
My first memory of Major was when he walked into Mrs Schaefer’s English classroom as a new transfer student. He brought his charm, movie star like presence and the cool name to match. I know I speak for many of my female classmates, when I say, he was a sight to behold, a sweet being and a class act, not to mention mega talented and bright.

My last time seeing him in person was at a reunion I crashed last minute. Major looked as elegant as ever, classing-up the place. He was still connected with the same friends, which shows loyalty, dedication and how some can elevate friendship into “a fine art”.  He and his surf, motorcycle, skateboard buddies were the coolest guys in school. They were so Point Break, even before Point Break.

I last “spoke” with Major a year ago, via social media, while living in Oregon and trying to get in touch with a mutual friend. Major followed and was connected online with my older brother, Danny, which I thought was adorable. Anyway, Major was kind and forwarded my information.  Our mutual friend called me later that night. He did not have to do that for me, but he did. Besides sharing mutual friends, we were never close, nor did we know each other all that well. Grateful to him, I sent a follow up message to thank him and we had another nice exchange.

I will never forget the junior high English class Heartthrob. He was a rare gem. I was very sad and shocked to hear of his passing. Still am. My heart goes out to his sister, his family and best friends. 
I met Anna Lightner in 1992.. we met in an art class at Portland Community College. We became fast friends and I am proud to call Anna one of my best friends to this day. I had heard many stories about her brother Major, but did not have the opportunity to meet him until Covid hit around 2021 when he moved to Portland to live with Anna, and I was honored to meet him in the few times that I met him. He was nothing but polite and respectful and very authentic and I wish that I’d been able to have more conversations with him. All I can say is I’m so sorry for his untimely death and the devastation and heart ache that has occurred for Anna and her family.  Rest in peace Major.  May love and light surround you❤️❤️

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