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November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
I am the person who adopted Baby from Margaret and her family. Margaret was extraordinary in her generosity, knowledge and time as well as for her love of Baby and dogs in general. I spent countless hours with her in person as she taught me how to handle Baby and his many challenges. She was a wealth of knowledge, most of it self taught and learned. How she had time to write long, detailed emails to me, send me endless resources and ideas and always be there for me when I needed support is beyond me. The kids were young then and she was homeschooling and busy with life on top of everything else. She was such an inspiration to me in so many ways beyond just dogs. The word "indefatigable" is such a perfect way to describe her. Her name should come after it in the dictionary. I like to think she is up there somewhere having a raucous conversation with people like Christopher Hitchens and Ruth Bader Ginsberg surrounded by Daisy, Darwin, Bear and Baby. What a mark she left on this world in so many ways.
September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022
We knew Margaret as Moth at She was a force of nature, full of solid, medically-vetted information, and loving, empathic and helpful support. Moth, thank you from all of us for everything you gave! Your smile, grace, humor, positivity, and realness was immensely appreciated. You are sorely missed by all.
Our sincerest condolences to Rod, Allie and Henry. She was an amazing woman, and left quite the legacy in her 55 years! 
September 3, 2022
September 3, 2022
I am grateful to Margaret for loving my brother so completely. Allie and Henry are wonderful additions to our family.
Margaret was a tenacious advocate for many causes over the years and with her intelligence and sharp wit she added many ideas to family discussions. Nellie and Roman’s (Margaret’s parents) warmth and humour were wonderful additions to our celebrations. On the same day that her cancer was deemed terminal I was diagnosed with a very curable heart condition. Medical Science had provided the solution. When I shared my health news with Rod, we agreed that we wished Margaret’s health condition was as easily cured. Life is indeed unfair at times.
Margaret faced cancer with a mixture of vulnerability, courage and kindness. She was open about what cancer had robbed from her and how horrible some of the treatments made her feel. Courage is how she faced the disease head on and tried all that Medical Science had available. She became very aware of the small joys life offered; cross country skiing down her street on a particularly cold and snowy Christmas Day, walking through the beautiful cherry blossoms one Spring day and wearing comical Easter bunny ears. She got her boat license and sped down Osoyoos Lake one summer with the wind in her hair and a smile on her face. She kindly offered empathy and advice to many, including me one day when I became nervous about an upcoming mammogram.
Rod, Allie and Henry witnessed it all and will move through the world with vulnerability (they have intimate knowledge of how precious life is), courage (they cared tirelessly for Margaret throughout the ups and downs of her illness) and kindness. As both a mother and a daughter I know for sure that a Mother’s love lives on.
Please know, Rod, Allie and Henry that you are loved by many including me and I am always here for each of you.
August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022
I knew Margaret as Moth at BCO. She made such a difference there, always supportive, and always challenging everyone to do the most that we can. Thank you for allowing us to get to know her a little better here. Condolences on the loss of your Margaret.
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
To Rod, Allie and Henry, my sincere condolences on the loss of your wife and mother. I knew Margaret as Moth on BCO; she was one of the kindest, most articulate and most helpful members on the site. And a force to be reckoned with. Whatever her personal situation, she still made herself available to scared newcomers, offering great advice and support. She was amazing, and inspirational. As much as you can get to know someone from an on-line forum, she appeared to want to squeeze every ounce of joy out of every day, and in reading about her life and looking at the gallery of pictures, it's clear that she did just that. Margaret left this world way too soon, and it's an enormous loss. But she's given so much to everyone she touched, and we will keep that with us. 
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
I met Margaret in High School. I met Rod a couple of years earlier, through a friend that we had in common. One of my favorite moments with Margaret occurred at our University Graduation ceremony. Both of us received a Bachelor of Arts degree, from UBC, during 1989. At convocation, I was nervous. In the small gym, hundreds of us were getting organized into lines in order to march over to the ceremony being held in the large gym. Suddenly, I heard, "Hey Steve", loudly, through the noise. It was Margaret, of course. From across the room, she gave me a big wave, and two thumbs up. I felt better after that. Thank you Margaret, for calming my nerves. Another memory: decades later, 2019 to be more specific, and I am at the Young household, visiting. Margaret, full of energy and excitement, gleefully tells me about her Fitbit watch and her blue-tooth enabled bathroom scale. I was so impressed, that I bought my own copies later the same day (online of course, like she did). Margaret was quite the persuasive person. If she had graduated nursing school, then I am sure that whichever nursing ward she was stationed in, it would have run smoother than before. And woe be, to any doctor with an ego or an attitude. That person would have been verbally put into place within seconds. Margaret is missed.
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
I am so sorry for your loss. I met Margaret on line on Her wealth of information and support was instrumental to so many members there. There can be many unsure times when conversing on line. Not moth. She was a stand out member to me from the day I joined.

I really enjoyed visiting this site this morning. To put a face to a name and read about her amazing life. I am a widow having lost a spouse to cancer. It really stinks at times. She touched a lot of people on line that she never even knew. Lots of them! What a wonderful human.
August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022
To Margaret’s family and loved ones, I’m so very sorry for your loss. I got to know Margaret thru She was a respected presence on the forum and even tho I, too, am diagnosed with stage iv breast cancer, I drew the most strength from her views on feminism and atheism. It was validating to know someone with Margaret’s keen intellect saw life thru a similar kind of lens that I was also looking through.

I appreciate so much the many photos posted of Margaret on this memorial page. I am so sorry her life was just too short, she was taken too young and it is all so unfair. It gives me some peace of mind seeing snapshots her life and her loves taken over the years, and to see that even tho she was robbed of a longer life, she truly made the most of the years she was given, living a full life filled with a loving husband, children and parents. And her beloved dogs. I hope that over time, these many memories give you comfort.

I only knew Margaret briefly these past several years through the online forum, but she immediately made her mark on its members, becoming a well-known and indelible force among us. Looking at the photos and reading the story of her life is helping me gain closure with her loss, something we don’t always get when one of our forum members passes. So I thank you very much for being so generous, even in your deepest sorrow, for sharing her memory with those of us who knew her yet never met her in person. I just reread the “About” page here and see that Margaret’s wish was to have her online friends be included in a memorial for her. How incredibly thoughtful of her, with all she was going through, to keep us in mind. She will not be forgotten. I will miss her. May she rest in peace.

I will have you in my thoughts, and send many hugs your way.
August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022
My dear Margaret...

You were such an impactful personality who touched everyone with your knowledge, perspectives and wisdom. I learned a lot from your resilience, advocacy and tolerance. As I always said, you were "Margaret University". You were not ready to give up, you tried till the end with the wonderful smile, which is so hard to forget. You will not die from our memories... Love you
August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022
I knew Margaret as Moth from the BCO forum. She was such a helpful member of the community there, and one of the most well-loved and well-respected contributors. I am so grateful to have seen the photo memorial so I will be able to picture that fabulous smile when I think of her.
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
I met Margaret in nursing school. We were in the same clinical group, and became fast friends. We shared a degree in PoliSci, a love of dogs, and standing up for things/people. She taught me how to study better, to look at things from a bigger perspective, to never take things for granted, and that you’re never too old to go back to school. We shared high dreams of changing the nursing programs (and the world), but I guess I will continue our fight.
Margaret - fly high and enjoy your many dog cuddles with Darwin, Bear, and your others.
To Rod, Alex, and Henry - May you find peace and comfort in these difficult times.
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
Margaret, moth, Indefatigable were the one funny, fantastic and smart person who had a comment for all occasions. She is so much missed that my heart is breaking knowing she’s no longer with us. To her family, I don’t have to tell you she was a gem. I’m so sorry for you all. Fly high Margaret. ❤️
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
What a lovely photo tribute to Margaret. She and I met 24 years ago when we were co leaders of the New West La Leche group and then as fellow home schoolers. I remember her convictions and that she never failed to walk her talk. The world will be a dimmer place without her. My deepest condolences to you all, Allie, Rod and Henry.
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
I knew Margaret from multiple platforms - And MBC forums, Twitter, Instagram. I loved that she was recognisable on each for her fire and knowledge. I shared her anger that not enough is done for mTNBC and that there is a narrative of thriving that isn’t true for TNBC. Rest in power Margaret xxx
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
Her memory lives on. She left a mark on the world. I would make a Polish joke but I just know Margaret would be up in my face. She kept our.advanced cancer group on its toes.

Her deep knowledge laid many myths to rest. And she rocked the bald with that incredibly gracious smile. Even to end we laughed about the great tan that her failing liver gave her. Know that I carry her passion forward with me as an advocate. TNBC and mBC will not be forgotten. Miss you terribly Margaret.

To those left behind, may you find consolation and peace in your loss.
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
I knew her as Hornblower/Indefatigable when I was Homeschooling. She was always so kind and encouraging and funny. I will miss her presence.
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
I knew Margaret or Moth from She was always such a kind and smart person there and I really appreciated knowing her for as long as I did. My thoughts go out to the family and friends, both social and her online family as well.
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
I knew her primarily as Moth from an online MBC forum. I am delighted to read her story here and how she grew up. Margaret was a powerhouse, happily sharing information and support to so many of us living with cancer. She also looked so young and beautiful while bald, it’s incredible how well she rocked it without a wig.
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
I knew Margaret by the username Hornblower on a homeschooling chatboard. She was a valued and respected part of the conversation, and I miss her. Her family are in my prayers now--I am so sorry for your loss and your pain. She was a lovely person.
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
I know her as Moth from an online BC forum, she introduced me to Canadian women thread, and always so warmhearted to every body, especially those newcomers. 

Personally, I had private online conversations with her, she was so detailed to help me around, she answered my every question ... Moth, I miss you so so much!!!
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
We met Margaret through dog rescue... knew her as Margaret and Hornblower. A beautiful person in all ways, a true advocate... she stood up for what she believed in. “Feisty” is a good word for Margaret, courageous and determined. Best memories ever... our doggy dates. I still think “I’ll e-mail Margaret” when I have a dog training question. I am so sorry for your loss. Margaret truly was one of the best. – Dennis & Laurie
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
The world has lost a such a wonderful human, and I can’t begin to understand the pain you are in. I never meet her IRL, sadly, but she will be with me for the rest of my life as an outspoken, feisty, beautiful woman, advocating for herself and all those suffering from MBC, especially those with mTNBC.
August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022
To my lovely wife. I love you and miss you more than words can say.
Your husband

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