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July 10, 2020
Grandma Mary is one of the most complimentary people you will meet. One memory that our family and our friend Jenn Kincaid laugh about was when Grandma met Jenn after years of not seeing her. Jenn has gone with us to Gettysburg with her and just loved how grandma would make her laugh, so when she knew Grandma Norman was living with us, she was so excited to be reunited with her. At my daughter, Isabelle’s, birthday party Grandma walked up to Jenn and said “Wow! You’re beautiful!” Jenn was taken a back and said “Well, thank you!” Grandma did not stop there. She said “No,’re beautiful. I have seen some really ugly Sons of ******es and you are really beautiful!” Jenn could not stop laughing and to this day it is a story we still love to share and tell. When she complimented you, it was true. She always said nice things to my sisters and I and talked about how proud she was of all of us and how pretty we were. She talked about how happy she was to be with us and get to spend time with us. Every day with her made us laugh and smile. She always had a good story or joke to share.We love you Grandma! Miss you!

Trying to Avoid a Math Class at Cal State LA

July 10, 2020
Mary Norman started California State University at Los Angeles in my Senior Year. I talked Mom into taking a "philosophy class" that substituted for a math class. Mom and I both wanted to avoid the Math Class. The class was called, "Symbolic Logic." The class started off with the professor giving an example, "Bossy is a cow. She has four legs. All cows have four legs." It went downhill from there. It involved critical thinking about language. Still one of the hardest classes I have ever had and that includes three semesters of calculus in post-graduate studies. Mom and I hired a tutor to get us through the semester. We passed with a hard earned "B." I thought she was going to kill me. We laughed about it later, but not during the semester. I kept getting the "Another fine mess you have gotten me into!"
By Cliff Norman

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