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December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022
Mary was a joy to around, I never knew what she would say next but I knew it wouldn't be boring. She was talented painter with a huge heart. I miss her
June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
She was so totally secure in her own skin. She knew who she was and made no excuses or apologies. Always enjoyed our conversations. Loved her.
February 11, 2021
February 11, 2021
We always enjoyed seeing Mary. It was refreshing to visit with someone who was straight forward. Some may have called her blunt we would say she called it as she saw it. Even with this determination she allowed you to state your perspective. We think she was a good "reader" of people. She knew when to try to persuade you to her point of view and and the other side of the coin knew when it was an impossible task. She would give sort of a "snort" very soft and then change the subject. Loved her and love Cliff, the man she shared with the world.
February 11, 2021
February 11, 2021
Happy 90th Birthday, Mary!
I hope you are dancing, painting, and enjoying yourself with Denver!
I know you are missed by your loved ones.
I miss the days of you giving the weather report on Facebook and seeing your latest art creation.
I was lucky to meet you!
July 17, 2020
July 17, 2020
Mary was spunky and full of humour. She left an indelible mark in the character of Cliff and the family.
July 13, 2020
July 13, 2020
The secret that life is compiled of a series of ups and downs is a reality that we have had to face in 2020 more than any year before. However, events such as the passing of my grandmother reminded me that the ability to be there for your family is a privilege that we have foolishly taken for granted. The undeniable truth is that I will never be in this magnificent lady’s company again and that was one of the hardest blows this year has delivered. The numerous messages and tributes to my grandmother has touched and comforted me as I’m sure it has other members of our family.

Even as I walk about my house, I see her paintings and the exquisite oils bring on flash backs of moments I shared with her. It reminds me that she saw beauty in the world and could use her own two hands to bring it to life for the rest of us to see. That was always a remarkable talent I admired. When I look at the painting of the vase of flowers that she painted during the special years I got to spend with her as she fearlessly battled breast cancer, I’m reminded of her courage. If she was ever afraid, she never let it show. 

The knowledge that even though she is gone, she never truly will be, since she will live on in our hearts is the greatest comfort of all. This woman will never be forgotten and that is a legacy we can all envy.
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
Mary was a very special person to me. I have known Chaundra since I was in first grade and it's not very often that you have a best friend who you also become just as close with their family, and that is how it was and is with the Norman's! Some of my best memories are going to Gettysburg and going on a ghost tour in hearing Mary talk about this little blue boy. The comments that she would make on the ghost tour we're just absolutely hilarious I was never around Mary and not laughing! She was an amazing grandmother amazing artist, and an amazing mother to Clifford! I am so blessed that I got to be a part of her life and I'm so thankful that she was a part of mine. Clifford and Jane y'all are amazing and I love you so much!
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
There's Something About Mary.... That is how I felt after meeting her!
I first met Mary in Austin around 2003. At first, I was in shock, and amused, with the language she used! As we got to know each other, I understood her persona and her strong mantra for life.
She was one in a million. She loved life, never seemed old, would give us the weather report every day on Facebook, share her art well into her 80's and exemplified the true meaning of joie de vivre.
Mary, I know you are in your happy, and joyful, place. Rest in Peace young lady!
July 7, 2020
July 7, 2020
Mary was grown and married to her beloved Denver before I was born. But she always raised the bar for the rest of her siblings. She was the perfect example of what a person can accomplish in life. No one could ever question her talent, her wisdom, her integrity, her wit or her contributions to her family or society. I hope that she can rest in peace after a life well-lived. She will be missed.
July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020
We knew your mother was special before we even met her because we knew you, Cliff. Only a very special mother could raise a son and friend as special as you. Your mother was so refreshing in that you always knew what she thought and felt about things. And, while she did not tolerate foolishness well, she did allow those of dissenting opinions to dissent with no rancor. She was straightforward and while remaining sociable could cut through the social mask. One of her very endearing qualities was that she was so at home in her own skin she was comfortable everywhere she went. We loved her and were always pleased when she was with you on our visits!
July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020

We were lucky to be gifted one of Mary’s beautiful bluebonnet paintings which we have enjoyed for many years.
Looking through the pictures posted here, I see a life well lived. Thanks for sharing them.
July 6, 2020
July 6, 2020
This is a beautifully curated gallery of the loves, adventures, and interests of Mary's. She really lived a charmed life. Good job, Cliff! When I grow up, I want to be an artist as she. I can only imagine she is painting up a storm still.

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