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Having a day spent with bf daughter and herbf

October 8, 2022
Tomorrow we're meeting lara and her bf, all of us are going to the garden centre tomorrow. We will see how it goes and l'll let you know how we get on love ya mom ❤️♥️

Lucky escape

October 8, 2022
I recently had a fall down some wooden stairs which are in a poor condition, new owners suggested that we use them till they have sorted out the lock on the back door.
Then wen the accident happened they pulled their finger out sorted the lock on the door after the fact with antislip stuff on the stairs, all of this is visible from the photos I've taken as well as suffered as a result of the accident. 

I spent 6 hrs in A&E up at the hospital for them to give me a few painkillers, tell me I have soft tissue damage r/side of my back, shoulder, hip and a strong possibility I broke my r/hand pinky. Despite having a couple of slipped discs with a hernia to boot on a disc.....

Mazikeen has been great never left my side, plus my partner has been there for me also. 

New piercing

May 3, 2022
I finally managed to get another piercing this time in my tongue, it will take a bit of getting use to . I've also dyed the bottom tips of my hair blue to match my nails , also it's my boyfriend's fav colour we've just had our 7wk anniversary on Saturday 30/04/22. He is a keeper mom alot better than the the last one and he is Catholic also, we are made for each other and get on so well in a way that we couldn't have imagined ❤️❤️❤️❤️

New love

April 11, 2022
After having a door shut I'm thankful for the opportunity to be with a new person who treats me the way I shud be, and I'm sure some one has put me onto the path of happiness.

Blue hair

April 11, 2022
I thought of dying my hair partially a different colour, and I did blue and it is looking good for a change
February 21, 2022
My friends daughter Shakia was doing my hair and she kindly put pig tails, she has done a great job for a intelligent girl

Traditional Romanian Christmas

December 29, 2021
This Christmas has to be the most enjoyable one yet, I got to see my partner Alex dance enjoying himself

Moving back home

May 20, 2021
Happy birthday Mom,

Happy 75th year on ur birthday no doubt you're having a good time with family and friends gone but not forgotten, just the memories I have of younger years past your not far from my thoughts but always in my heart. 

With this pandemic that's happening, I'm sure it's a farce again only time will tell in this case. I'm unable to get the vaccination due to being a candidate for DVT, which I'm not willing to put my life on the line as it could potentially kill me. Anyway no one knows what they put into this concoction, another way of the government controlling people in my opinion so I've decided NOT to have it.

Tim is having a rough time with Christy and he needs his family around him. 

Looking forward to seeing him again 3 yrs 6 months since we last hugged each other, this year we're going to celebrate independence day as a family. 

Our journey after 35yrs

November 6, 2017
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After being apart for 35 yrs we finally got the chance to meet my big brother Tim and his family, from the 1st of November- 10th November 2017 we both finally have our missing puzzle piece found. Now that I am an auntie 3 times over Cindy, Samuel and Cash OMG 3 birthdays in 1 visit Mom did have bn so happy and proud that this day has finally come. I have included our first prayer as a family


March 11, 2016
A Rabbi, a Christain and a Nun died. St. Peter met them all at the pearly gates. St. Peter said "before any of you can enter Heaven you all must answer a question. OK Rabbi, "who lead the people out of Egypt?" The Rabbi said "Moses". Thunder roared and lightening crackled and the Pearly Gates Opened and the Rabbi walked in.


March 11, 2016
OK Christain, "who was the first man to walk on water?" The Christain said "Jesus". Thunder roared and lightening crackled and the Pearly Gates Opened and the Christain walked in. OK Sister Nun, "what did Eve say when she first saw Adam?" Sister Nun thought for a moment and said "That's a hard one", Thunder roared and lightening crackled and the Pearly Gates Opened and Sister Nun walked in.

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