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This memorial website was created in the memory of  Randy Cain who was born on August 10, 1956 and passed away on June 28, 2005. His loved ones miss him.He will be missed by every person who ever knew him. He was a man who asked for little but gave everything he had and was. 

July 9
July 9
Happy Anniversary honey. We would have been married 47 yrs today if you had not been called home. I miss everything about you and probably always will. I will love you forever as my soulmate and my highschool sweetheart and the best dad any little girl could have. Love always xo
June 28
June 28
Hi Daddy. Lots of changes over last 19 years but I know you have seen them all. I know you are proud of who we have become. We live in a weird time, and I bet you are shaking your head and cracking jokes about it. “laugh at tragedy” you said that once, it’s wise and true because it helps. If you can’t change it might as well find a way to laugh at it. 
You will never be forgotten & we Love you.
June 28
June 28
9:10 pm tonight it will have been 19yrs since we lost you. Even after all this time I miss you so much. Life moves forward and changes happen but losing you was the worst thing in my life. Connie and I have our moments that we just need to be together to reminisce about you. It is getting easier but your passing has affected all of us especially the two of us. We know you watch over us and that gives us peace. Love you always and forever. Xo
June 16
June 16
Happy Father's Day love. Our daughter will most certainly have a drink to you today. She has grown up so strong and she has a good man by her side. I'm sure you are watching over her and I. Love you always and miss you forever. Xo
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
Happy Birthday Daddy! 67 wow! Still a young age. Hope you’re shooting guns and drinking whiskey!! Always loved and never forgotten.
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
Happy Birthday, honey! You were robbed of your future. We were robbed of a future all together.  Connie and I are strong and we think about you always.  We know you are watching over us.  We love you. I will always love you. ❤️
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Hi honey. Connie is right today is better than last year. But we spent it together last year and that made it easier. We miss you and love you.  I find myself talking to people about you, it is strange how it just comes up because of something they say.  I like telling people about you. Our daughter is an amazing woman that we can be very proud of.  Life is full of surprises but you are always with us.  Love always and forever. Xo
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Good morning Daddy, My life is healthier and more social than ever. It is exhausting being on all the time which has me appreciate my down time even more, I call it my social detox. I have mom's amazing people skills and yet at the same time I am very much an introvert like you. ;)
Mom will agree some years are harder than others and last year was tough but I feel ok this year. I don't miss you any less and still wish you were here everyday but I know you are keeping a protective eye on both of us. Love you always.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Happy Father's Day! You are missed by both of us and your daughter will have a drink in your honor. Love Always! ❤️
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Happy Father's Day! You are missed by both of us.  Your daughter will have a drink in your honor.  Love always!
December 28, 2022
December 28, 2022
Hi Daddy. 2023 is around the corner, another year without you on earth. We know your watching.
Derek & I are engaged, this one’s the real deal. My previous marriage was only because I felt it had to be done because I wanted you to give me away. Sadly you didn’t make but thankfully mom was.
My love for Derek is genuine, unlike anything I’ve felt before.
I finally have the love you and mom had.
Love you & miss you always.
December 26, 2022
December 26, 2022
Merry Christmas honey! We miss you but we know you are watching us.  Our daughter got engaged over Christmas to Derek. You would have really liked him. Very much like you. I am very happy for them. Going to mom's today. You still have a big piece of my heart. Brad has been really good lately and he quit smoking so that is a good thing.  We will meet again. 
November 3, 2022
November 3, 2022
BOO make you jump? Haha we miss having you around physically but we also know that you're with us everyday, watching over us. Love you Daddy
October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022
Happy Halloween honey! Your daughter and I celebrating as usual.  I've done my artist pumpkins and she has her party with all her gruesome decor and treats.  We miss you especially at this time of year. You loved Halloween so much.  Love always. Xo
August 12, 2022
August 12, 2022
Happy belated birthday daddy! I was in Vermont riding with Derek & friends. We stayed in an old refurbished barn. The owner did all from hand, you would have loved the barn, and Vermont is beautiful. Mountains, trees, & everyone was so friendly & polite. 
Mom & I miss you and not a day goes by we don’t think of you.
Love you!
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Happy Birthday! My dad finally died a couple weeks ago.  If course he had nothing to leave to anyone.  At least his debt died with him.  We all really miss you still.  Our leaves move forward but you will always be in my heart and Connie's as well.  Mom still really misses you too. Everyone does. Love always xo.
July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022
Happy Anniversary! We would have been married 45 years today. We had a good life. I still miss it.  My life now is good but very different.  You were a good man and will always be in my heart. Xo
June 28, 2022
June 28, 2022
It has been 17 yrs today that we lost you.  There have been a lot of changes, trials, ups and downs, laughter and tears. Times are hard sometimes and good other times. There is someone new beside you now.  Bruce Henderson passed away and now the two of you can talk again. Through everything the memories of you stay strong.  You are missed everyday. I will always love you and so will Connie.  She is doing so well and I am sure you are watching her.  Missed and loved forever. Xoxo
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Merry Christmas honey! 
We think of you all year. 
Love always xo
October 31, 2021
October 31, 2021
Happy Halloween! This is still Connie and my favorite holiday. Especially our girl, she goes all out. We love you and miss you. Xo
August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021
Happy Birthday Daddy!! 65. Wow! I bet you wouldn’t look any different. Maybe a little more grey. 
Love & miss you always
August 10, 2021
August 10, 2021
It's hard to believe you would have been 65 today.  It would have been great to celebrate this with you.

Miss you.  Love always.
July 9, 2021
July 9, 2021
Happy Anniversary love.  I love my life now but I still miss ours.  I think about you everytime I see a Tiger Lily and remember how you would pick them for me for our anniversary.  This world lost a great man. Love always. Xo
June 28, 2021
June 28, 2021
Hard to believe you have been gone for 16 years. I think about you a lot because of the way the world is right now.  I wonder how you would handle it.  Connie and I are on the same page where the vaccines are concerned.  Right now not going to happen.  We will see later.  You are still missed a lot and will be forever.  Love you always.  Xo
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Happy daddy day!! I went exploring today. My love of seeing “what’s down there” must come from you. I enjoy my solo rides so that I can take time to look. Life is good for us but of course we wish you were here, but we know you are in spirit.
Cheers!! Love you.
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Happy Father's Day!  You are still so missed and always will be.  Our daughter is a strong, healthy, woman we can be proud of. Miss you xo.
January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021
It was a crazy world last year and to start this year. Christmas and New Years gone , Ferrin had a baby girl, Lilly . Connie could come for Xmas but we did a video visit and she will be coming with Derek in late February and we will have Xmas then. We miss you. Xo
October 31, 2020
October 31, 2020
Happy Halloween honey! Your daughter and her man would make you proud.  They love Halloween and go all out for it. It's great to see. Miss your Halloween pranks. Always in our thoughts. Xo
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!! Hope you’re enjoying a nice cold Crown & Pepsi. Love you.❤️
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Happy Birthday Randy! I miss you and think of you often.  Connie and Derek are doing great, Ferrin is having a baby and Aaron is doing great in New Zealand. Keep watching over us. Love always. Xo
July 9, 2020
July 9, 2020
Happy Anniversary! We would have been married 43 yrs today. Our time together was shortened unfairly. My life is good now but I still miss you. Love always xo
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
Thinking of you often and will love you left us much too early. but you will never be forgotton. Much Love Bob and Judy
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
15 years ago it was your time to go. Mom and I miss you always, & you will never be forgotten. Life is good. We are happy, strong & healthy.
Most of the world has gone to shit, I’m sure you would find the humor in most of it. Lol
Love you Dad.❤️
June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
It's hard to believe it's been 15 years since we lost you. Even though Connie and I have moved forward in our lives it doesn't change how much we love and miss you. We will always remember your humor and your strength and I think we both pull on those memories at times. Never forgotten and always loved. 
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Happy Daddy day!  Hope your soul is proud of mom and my adventures.
 I really do wish you could have met Derek. You may have approved of the previous but this guy.. you would really love this guy!!
Love you daddy!
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Happy Father's Day! I know your watching over us and I know you see what a wonderful daughter we have. We can be proud of her and the struggles she has surpassed. We both love you and miss you as our lives evolve and develop. This world list a great man. Love always xoxo
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas Daddy!! We cut down a real Christmas tree this year, something I’ve never done without you also Derek’s first. 
Wish Derek could have met you. I think you guys would have got a long great. 
Love you and I hope you’re enjoying a Black Russian, I will cheers you with mine.
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas ! You will always have a piece of my heart. We all miss you. Xo
My life now is good and It makes things easier, especially during holidays.
October 31, 2019
October 31, 2019
Happy Halloween honey. Your daughter is so much like you and it's our favorite time of year. Miss your antics at Halloween, you were the best prankster. Always in our hearts. Xo
August 10, 2019
August 10, 2019
Happy Birthday to a wonderful Brother who left us way too soon! You will forever be in our thoughts and our hearts. Love Judy and Bob
August 10, 2019
August 10, 2019
Happy Birthday, honey! You will always be in my heart and Connie and I remember little things everytime we talk, about you. It's fun to think about the things you did that made us laugh. The monarchs that show up just at the right times let us know you are watching over us. Connie and I love you and miss you. Xo
August 10, 2019
August 10, 2019
Happy Birthday Daddy!! I know you’re always there keeping an eye on us and you’re always in our thoughts. Love you!
June 28, 2019
June 28, 2019
You are will always be missed by me and Connie. This is a hard day , but it gets easier each year. You were my everything for a long time. My life has evolved but what we had was special and it produced a beautiful daughter. Love you always, xoxo.
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
Happy Father's Day! Connie and I are thinking of you today. We love you. You are missed. Xo
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas Randy. My thoughts are about you as usual but especially since another person had lost a family member to cancer. Jean Paisley(Bierema) her brother Brian passed this weekend. Connie and I are doing well. We are both happy and healthy. Love always xoxo
November 1, 2018
November 1, 2018
Another Halloween had come and gone.  It is still Connie and my favorite time of year. We had 3 kids this year. First time in a long time. Our daughter has a morbid sense of humor just like you did. We miss you always but especially at Halloween. Love and miss that mind of yours. Xo
August 10, 2018
August 10, 2018
Thinking of you today...Aug. 10th and want you to know just how very much you are missed....Love Always...Judy and Bob
August 10, 2018
August 10, 2018
Happy Birthday Randy! You will always be remembered for playing hard, working hard, loving hard and that crazy sense of humor. You are and will always be missed. Love me xo
July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018
Today would have been our 41st wedding anniversary and even though you are gone i still think of you. The tiger lilies are in bloom and the ones you planted at the house after still here. You are still missed by everyone especially Connie and I and always will be. You were a special man. Love always xo
June 28, 2018
June 28, 2018
The many memories of you keep you near and dear to us. Forever missed by and throughout the years. Love Bob and Judy
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July 9
July 9
Happy Anniversary honey. We would have been married 47 yrs today if you had not been called home. I miss everything about you and probably always will. I will love you forever as my soulmate and my highschool sweetheart and the best dad any little girl could have. Love always xo
June 28
June 28
Hi Daddy. Lots of changes over last 19 years but I know you have seen them all. I know you are proud of who we have become. We live in a weird time, and I bet you are shaking your head and cracking jokes about it. “laugh at tragedy” you said that once, it’s wise and true because it helps. If you can’t change it might as well find a way to laugh at it. 
You will never be forgotten & we Love you.
June 28
June 28
9:10 pm tonight it will have been 19yrs since we lost you. Even after all this time I miss you so much. Life moves forward and changes happen but losing you was the worst thing in my life. Connie and I have our moments that we just need to be together to reminisce about you. It is getting easier but your passing has affected all of us especially the two of us. We know you watch over us and that gives us peace. Love you always and forever. Xo
Recent stories

Randy my love.

June 27, 2010

He was the only man I ever wanted and he was taken from me by lung cancer that spread through his body.  He was a quiet man that was generally not very social, but when he decided to make you his friend that was it, you always knew he was there for you. He would do anything for anyone and ask for nothing in return.  Even while undergoing chemo, he was across the road helping to renovate a neighbors home with other neighbors. There are very few men with the strength, humor, character and determination that he had.  He was my hero and I miss him everyday.

Randy and his war games

June 27, 2010

He loved his paintball war games, granted he took them to the extreme.  He had smoke bombs , grenades, rocket launchers and he built with his friends, a tower ,fox holes and anything else needed to make it feel real.  He had the guns, ammo and all the gear and spent weekends away shooting his friends and getting shot at.  He loved it, even with the bruises, broken toe, and broken collarbone he sustained, he would never have given it up.

Randy's bottle collection

June 27, 2010

Randy spent years digging up,  cleaning up and then displaying his prize bottles.  He could look at a field that to anyone else look like just a field.  But for Randy he could tell by the way the land was that a homestead or maybe a barn had been there at one time.  He could go directly to the area he thought he might find something and start to dig.  Sure enough there would be bottles , nails, glasses, medicine bottles, etc.  He could tell you almost the whole life story of the people who had been there.  He was very smart and loved history.  Then he would clean everything up and put them on display.

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