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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Trey Duncan, 35, born on December 8, 1975 and passed away on October 8, 2011. We will remember him forever.

Trey's memorial will be held at 
United Methodist Church

(620) 397-2335140 E Vine St
Dighton, Kansas

Thursday October 13th at 11:00 am

Please send flowers or cards to the church or

WR and Karen Duncan

PO Box 713
Dighton Kansas 67839


Wayne, thank you for all you do for Karen and WR and the love you gave Trey and his mom and dad over the years. You’re a blessing to their family. Thank you also for digitizing Karen’s amazing trick riding career. She’s a treasure in many many ways and this gives others a glimpse into the life of this trail blazing woman. 
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
Happy Birthday, Trey. You would be 48 today. Miss you as much today as always. You never missed a Christmas until you left us. We were so blessed that you always wanted to be with your family on the holidays. Your friend, Abe, is having a tough time. Send him some blessings. Love you, Mom & Dad.
December 8, 2023
December 8, 2023
Happy Birthday Trey. You would have been 48 today. Man I wish you were still here. Going through a lot right now and really need a friend. I remember how great a listener you were, especially if we both had a beer or a drink in our hands. It's funny how as you get older , your list of friends gets smaller and smaller and sooner than later that list is only one or two people. Then those one or two, are gone. Miss you buddy
October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023
We miss you Trey & remember those big smiles, laughter & hugs. We love you & never forget your impact on so many people who love you & remember you.
October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023
Trey, your Dad was talking just now about how you would light up the house when you walked in. Every where you went you would brighten people's lives. I think we miss you more each day. Josh wanted us to come see him and Lori. To make sure we came he sent Lori to get us. He misses you so much. He has a neat place in Oklahoma and wished you could see it, but you do see it don't you. Wish we could have one of those wonderful hugs right now. Love you.
October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023
We still think of you often, Trey. We are thankful for the time spent with you, wish you were still here. I still think of you every time I watch a Chief's game. You were forever faithful during all the bad years. You would love what's going on now, but im sure you know. RIP, gone way too soon!

Brian Hungerford
Rocky Mountain Inventory
October 10, 2022
October 10, 2022
Hi Trey, Another year has passed. I am a couple of days late but had lots of tributes to you on Facebook. Everyone misses you. Of course your Dad and I miss you everyday. It seems like the older we get the more we miss you. We like to think what you would be doing now, would you be married and have kids, and where would you live. You were so special and kind to everyone. Everybody commented on your smile. You always helped everyone in need. You were so much fun. Christmas was so much fun. My favorite Christmas was the year you and Bobby put up the outdoor Christmas lights and did the Natonal Lampoon Christmas Vacation narration. We miss you but we know we will see you again. Love you RIP
December 8, 2021
December 8, 2021
Happy Heavenly birthday, Trey. Your dad and I still miss you. Miss those hugs and the neat way we fit under your arm when you gave us a hug. To say you are missed would be an understatement. Give Jacque a hug for us
Love you, Mom & Dad
October 8, 2021
October 8, 2021
10 years. I’m so surprised that time flies without you here. I miss your smile, big hugs & your shared love for your parents! We try to love them like you would & miss watching football together when OU lost. :)
October 8, 2021
October 8, 2021
Trey, it has been 10 years and we still miss you as much as ever. We miss watching football games with you and your roommates. There was never a dull moment. Wish you were here.
Mom & Dad
October 8, 2021
October 8, 2021
Wow I can't believe I has been 10 yrs already I think about you often especially when I'm looking at my old pictures of when you would come to the house on Sundays and watch Nascar and eat some food. I miss you alot and am looking forward to seeing you again someday. Love you lots.
October 8, 2021
October 8, 2021
Miss you Trey. I still remember all the laughter that always accompanied you wherever you went. Can’t believe it’s been this long, see you again sometime little buddy.
December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020
Happy birthday kiddo! We just sent Max to celebrate it with you. Enjoy those wonderful hugs and jokes together. 
October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
Nine years have passed and your dad and I miss you just as much now if not more. We think of you every day and are blessed with your friends stopping and seeing us. Josh and his fiancé were here last week. Was great to see him and meet Lori. He misses you too. Keep looking down and checking on us. We feel your presence.
Love you, Mom & Dad
October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
9 years kid. Can't believe you've been gone that long. We remember you through WR & Karen & think of you often. 
October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
Can’t believe it’s been so long. Miss you Buddy.
January 18, 2020
January 18, 2020
Since naming Tiny T after you, you are on my mind more than ever. I miss you more than words could ever describe, but I think you would be proud. I’ve come a long way. Trey is nine months old now. He’s the size of a two year old so he’s definitely living up to his name. He’s incredibly smart, just like his sister. She’s six now. She knows why her brother is named Trey. Anyway, I miss you and love you...
December 9, 2019
December 9, 2019
So hard to believe yesterday was your 44th birthday. It's also hard to believe that you've been gone eight years side. You were so special. There was nothing better than a Trey hug. Loved those hugs and your special wit. You are always in your dad's and my thoughts and prayers. We will always miss you. Love you, Mom and Dad
December 14, 2018
December 14, 2018
Miss you buddy! It was unfortuante and tragic that you left us so early. More than an employee, I appreciated you for the glowing person that you were. I mean that. Life is short and maybe we will cross paths again. :)
October 10, 2018
October 10, 2018
Trey, I think of you each day. Today is the 10th and tomorrow will be my birthday. I will never forget the birthday card I received on October 11, 2011. You mailed it before you died and I got it on my birthday. It is the most precious birthday card I ever received. Your Dad and I talked about the things we all did together on the 8th and he watched the Saints football game in your honor. Love you and miss your smile and joy in life. Love you, Mom & Dad
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Miss you buddy! Still think about you all the time. I just remember how good you were to everyone. Always open and eager to meet people. You are priceless.
October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Trey, I looked through photos people have shared. Made my heart happy to see that smile of yours. Know that thoughts of you still give us happiness. Thanks. Thinking of you.
December 10, 2017
December 10, 2017
Hi Duh.
A few days ago we all remembered you for your birthday. And a couple weeks ago I made grinders. Except the grocery store here is awful so they weren’t the same. I guess that means you’ve been on our minds more than usual lately. We really miss you. Please watch over Caden. He’s going through a rough patch and needs you to be there for him. I think he’s a bit more than lost as a teenager and not hearing what he wants to recently. I wish you were here to help him out. I love you and miss you a lot.
December 10, 2017
December 10, 2017
Hi Sweetheart. Totally swamped on your birthday so couldn't write but thought about you all day. We really miss you. Had Christmas with Andi and family in Agusta this weekend. Remember how you guys acted just like you were brother and sister. She has a wonderful family. Just keep looking down on us. Love you. Mom and Dad
October 8, 2017
October 8, 2017
Hey little buddy! Miss you and can’t wait to see you again.
December 8, 2016
December 8, 2016
Happy Birthday Trey! We love you.
Mom and Dad
December 7, 2015
December 7, 2015
Well tomorrow you would have been 40, Trey. It hardly seems possible. It also seems so strange that you have been gone 4 years now. I wonder who you would be by now and what you would be doig if you were still here. Guess God will tell me and someday I hope to see for my self. Love,Mom & Dad
November 5, 2015
November 5, 2015
Dear Trey,
Pease keep and eye your Dad and me. The "Golden Ages" are a little tough. We think of you every day an miss you so much as do your friends. Each one needs you to look over them every day and send good thoughts their way. You can talk things over with God and show us the right way We miss you as always. 
Love Mom & Dad
October 9, 2015
October 9, 2015
So much crazy in this world today, Mr. Trey. We'll get through it - hopefully better than when we started out. Just please keep checking up on us regularly and help us to be more compassionate; kinder; peaceful and careful to take care of all our good fortune. 'Cousin' Sue.
October 8, 2015
October 8, 2015
Hey my friend, just wanted you to know that not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Miss you and love you.
October 8, 2015
October 8, 2015
Caden and I think and speak of you often, please keep watch over him as he enters these crazy big kid years. He'll need some Big Buddy advice sometimes, so lean on in and give him what you think best...ornery or not, whatever you deem necessary. Love you dude, miss you dearly, wish you were here...its been a long few years without you my friend. xoxo, Mich
December 8, 2014
December 8, 2014
Happy Birthday today Trey. Although you're not here to celebrate it with us, we light a candle in your honor. I think of you often & miss your smiling face, jokes and big bear hugs. I know you are with us in spirit & in our hearts. We will love & miss you always.
December 8, 2014
December 8, 2014
Who can forget a 5 year old Trey? Big brown eyes. Big cowboy hat and boots up to his knees. He always wore a big 'ol smile to match.
December 8, 2014
December 8, 2014
Happy Birthday Trey! You are always missed. This was your favorite time of year. You always made it home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You always said you weren't coming home for Thanksgiving if you had to go through Leoti & Scott City but you always came. I'm sure they appreciated your "gift" when ever you missed their 20 mph signs.
October 9, 2014
October 9, 2014
Hey buddy, you are still always on my mind. I travel a lot now and can't help but think of you, wondering what it would be like to go out with you for a job one more time. It seems like yesterday I was standing in your driveway laughing with you and then 3 days later you were gone. We all miss you and love you, hope things are well in Heaven.
October 8, 2014
October 8, 2014
Trey, it's been 3 years and we still miss you like it was yesterday. Each day we think of something you did that was so special. I miss your hugs. I just fit right under your arm and those hugs were so special. 
Love you. Mom & Dad
October 8, 2014
October 8, 2014
I have Trey's picture in my Address Book, so I think of him often when I use it for someone's address. That way he is frequently on my mind.I miss him so much. Denyce Gammell
October 8, 2014
October 8, 2014
Trey, I have missed you terribly every day since you left. Today, and days leading are horrible for me. I remember our last conversation, and wish I would have come over to see you on the night before you passed. Caden is getting big and playing football, and we often have moments that we cry and remember the times we spent with you.  I miss you and will love you forever!
October 8, 2014
October 8, 2014
Trey, we miss you terribly, especially your Little Buddy who loves you dearly. Our hearts are still broken, but our memories full of the wonderful times we spent. I remember how you used to annoy Mike by throwing stuff up on the dashboard when he was driving, I laughed so hard every time and you and Caden would giggle until Mike would almost explode...then you would do it one more time just to really send him into orbit. You are the biggest little brother I have and I trust you are looking over Caden for me when I cannot. Love you
October 8, 2014
October 8, 2014
Trey, we miss you terribly, especially your Little Buddy who loves you dearly. Our hearts are still broken, but our memories full of the wonderful times we spent. I remember how you used to annoy Mike by throwing stuff up on the dashboard when he was driving, I laughed so hard every time and you and Caden would giggle until Mike would almost explode...then you would do it one more time just to really send him into orbit. You are the biggest little brother I have and I trust you are looking over Caden for me when I cannot. Love you
December 8, 2013
December 8, 2013
Big boy today you are missed dearly I hope you are having a great birthday up there looking down on all of us. I miss you very much.
Forever in my thoughts.
November 30, 2013
November 30, 2013
Trey I really really miss you and it hurts me to think about you being gone so long. I remember when we used to give each other crap about our football teams. I remember when me you Gpa Con, Easton and mike all were at your house when Oklahoma was playing and we had two brothers BBQ. I still miss you and won't forget you. I love you and I know you are watching over me. Thanks trey I miss you
October 10, 2013
October 10, 2013
Trey, your Dad & I had many wonderful emails and phone calls Tuesday sharing wonderful memories of you. We all miss you. We know you are looking down and sharing each day with us.
Love you, Mom & Dad
October 8, 2013
October 8, 2013
Never will forget you Trey!! God Bless you will always be missed!
October 8, 2013
October 8, 2013
Hey Buddy! cant believe its been two years. So much has happened in my life since your passing. I wish I could share all of it with you, but know that you are looking down on all of us. I look at all the pics posted on here and remember all the good times we had. Still miss you so much
May 27, 2013
May 27, 2013
Trey, you are forever missed and always will be. It's amazing how many people love you and miss you still! You finally have your monument but we didn't need it to remember you. Now people can find you to say Hi! Love, Mom & Dad
May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013
Words cannot express how much I miss seeing you. I miss your fantastic humor, your great wok ethic and how you made us feel like we were your all best friends. Not a day goes by where I don't remember everything you taught me and showed me. Rest in peace, my friend.
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Recent Tributes
Wayne, thank you for all you do for Karen and WR and the love you gave Trey and his mom and dad over the years. You’re a blessing to their family. Thank you also for digitizing Karen’s amazing trick riding career. She’s a treasure in many many ways and this gives others a glimpse into the life of this trail blazing woman. 
Recent stories

Easter dinner

December 10, 2012
I remember that day it was wonderful sitting around enjoying that chicken and your wonderful family I miss him so very much and it was a great day with some good food and good company. Thank you.

Fried Chicken

October 18, 2011

After Trey bought his home in Wichita two years ago he asked me to cook Easter dinner for him and his roomates.  His request was for fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy!  (I hate to cook chicken but I did even though his stove only had 3 burrners on it and they didn't work very well.)  The next year Trey called and asked if I was going to cook Easter dinner again.  Told him yes.  He asked what I was cooking.  I said fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy.  I asked if he didn't remember what he'd asked for.  He said "he just wanted to hear me say it!"  Then he said he had good news and bad news.  The bad news was that I would be cooking for 17!  The good news was that he had bought me a new stove, refirgerator, dishwasher, and microwave.  It turned out to be good news and good news.  We had a wonderful day with everyone there.  In the pictures you can see him cooking "his pan of fried chicken"!  We love you Trey.

Mom & Dad

Hutchinson paper

October 16, 2011

Trey Duncan offered bear hugs, affectionately belly-bumped his best friend, and never hung up the phone without telling his parents "Love you."

 The 35-year-old died suddenly, of sleep apnea, on Oct. 8, in the midst of a life filled with family, friends and children.

Duncan was born Dec. 8, 1975, in Shreveport, La., the son of W.R. and Karen Duncan, who were both active rodeo performers. As an infant, he was easy to care for, sleeping in the front carrier Karen Duncan wore, which enabled her to ride a horse while she and W.R. checked cattle.

His first horse was Misty, a Welsh pony. With his parents, he became active in the Kansas Western Horseman Association. He was only 6 years old when he won the KWKA pole-bending contest while riding his mother's Appaloosa mare. 

While he loved horses, his passion turned to football and by the time he was in Liberal West Middle School he was a confirmed University of Oklahoma fan and tossing his own football. He went on to play on the offensive and defensive line for the 1993 state football champion Liberal Redskin team. By the time he played football at Pittsburg State University, he was 6-foot-3 and weighed 300 pounds. The team went to nationals, but it was one of only three times in his young football career that his team lost a game.

Mike Mohr remembered the first time he met Duncan in Liberal. They had an awkward confrontation. The next meeting went better and their friendship evolved from there. 

"We bypassed friends a long time ago and became family," said Mohr, who with his wife, Micha, lived with Duncan in Colorado Springs and Wichita, before Duncan bought his own home. They had adjoining backyards and flowed easily into one another's lives.

Like brothers, "one would start a sentence and the other would finish it," W.R. Duncan said. 

"We could be with each other and not even talk," Mohr said, recalling the time they watched an 18-hour "Lord of the Rings" movie marathon together.

"When it was over, Trey turned to me and said, "Well, that's 18 hours we'll never get back."

Duncan also loved children.

"He was a kid magnet. My children considered him their big brother," Mohr said. "If Trey ran a day care center, it would have been the most successful on the planet." 

He traveled often with his work as Midwest regional manager for Rocky Mountain Inventory of Denver. He even spent four months in the Middle East and Europe on assignment with the company. During down time the neighborhood would gather in Trey's "man cave" to watch football games on his big-screen TV.

Friends have told the Duncans that if someone talked to Trey for 20 seconds they had a friend for life.

"We had 35 years of joy with him," W.R. Duncan said.

He brought joy into the lives of so many friends with his easy smile and laughter. 

"You could see the love he had for his parents. They were always on his mind," Mohr said." Trey was a good son." 


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