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22 MARCH 2000 - 13 MAY 2021

You always lived in the moment and enjoyed life in full.

You are in us, you are part of us, you are in our hearts forever Joosu...

Head ja toredat seilamist ükskõik kus sa ka ei viibiks, me oleme sinuga, kallis Joose...

Born a millennial baby on a cold but sunny winter snow-covered day in Estonia and then…..

  • A New Yorker and survivor of 9/11
  • Thailand elementary school, sailing, swimming, boats and beaches 
  • Bangladesh middle school and rickshaw races, tiger searching, python hugger, coral reefs
  • USA high school, friends, football, skiing, camping, biking, boats yards in Rye Neck, New York
  • California Love - the ocean, the air, marine science, boat yard work in Monterey Bay, his close close friends and roommates
Did you know this about Joosep?

  • As a baby had a family nickname of ‘konn’ (Estonian for ‘frog’), and ‘banaani mees’ (Estonian for ‘banana man’, for his love of bananas)
  • Could play the drums, bass guitar, baritone horn, piano and recorder flute.
  • A drummer, guitarist and singer in a rock band from age 11-13 while living in Bangladesh; sang at the boys honor choir with performances in Bali and Hong Kong…. And also suffered Dengue fever not once but twice
  • A sailor and not afraid to manage his own boat, sometimes in rough waters in Thailand.
  • Chosen to be one of two team captains of the Rye Neck football team in his senior year, after having played only one year of football ever, during his junior year.
  • Lighting manager,  then stage manager in Rye Neck High School theatre productions
  • Declared ‘MOST HUGGABLE’ and with the ‘BEST LAUGH’ in his high school yearbook.
  • A brother of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Cal State Monterey
  • An excellent cook and provider of nourishment by the best of hugs

May 15
We are star dust; we intermingle with one another forever. I see him now from where we were together in the past. I will see him again from where we will be together in the future.
May 13
I miss you. I think about you. I can’t believe you’re not here. I want to talk to you. I just miss you…

My heart is to your family on this day. I hope you’re watching over all of us and you always by our side. I miss you.
May 13
May 13
3 years of missing this beautiful boy! Sending all my love to Tiia, Robert, Leenu and my dear Kaalep
May 13
Thinking of you today Joosep.  We miss your belly laugh, and your determination to make this a better world. You will always be in our hearts. 
May 13
May 13
Sending our loving embrace to you all always, especially on this day!!!
Joosep's bright eyes and companionate smile is always with us.
May 13
May 13
You are so deeply missed, but you are always in my thoughts and heart. 
Musi, Musi
March 23
March 23
We think about you often, Joosep. We were so lucky to have known you, and to be inspired by your passions of kinship, laughter, and caring for the earth. You are forever missed, and I will always remember your belly laugh and your gentle herding of boys through the streets of Barcelona...we love you! --Bruce, Sarah, Owen & Henry Robertson 
March 22
Happy birthday buddy, miss you. Had a long drive today from LA to monterey, thought about you and stopped at places I thought you would stop. You'd always be infatuated with how beautiful sceneries are... the skies and landscape were a lot more beautiful today than other days. Love you buddy. Miss you lots.
March 22
March 22
I was thinking of Joosep yesterday, and said a prayer. We keep him in our hearts, especially today.
Sending all our love to Robert, Tiia, Leenu, and Kaalep. May the sun shine bright today, and the sunset blanket your hearts with Joosep's everlasting love.
Love, The Pereira Family
March 22
March 22
Still a very sad memory, and it seems as if I have not seen his father in ages. Time has gone by at a shocking speed.
My best wishes to the entire family and I pray that they are healing and enjoying each other's company as much as possible.
March 22
March 22
Happy Heavenly Birthday Sweet Joosep. You are truly missed and thought of on a daily basis. My love, thoughts and prayers are with Robert, Tiia, Leenu and Kaalep. Sending many hugs your way.
Musi Musi,
May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023
We are thinking of you all, and we keep our memories of Joosep close to our hearts and in our prayers. My thoughts of Joosep always take me back to Spain, and how he offered to walk with Nicole during the evening. He was her protector, and as an angel of God, may he always be a protector!
Love, The Pereira Family
March 23, 2023
March 23, 2023
My heart aches for Robert, Tiia, Leenu and Kaalep. Happy Heavenly Birthday Dear Joosep!!!!!! You are truly missed!!!!!
Musi, Musi,
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Robert! Stay strong!
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
We miss you today and every day Joosep. Every time and every moment was made better with you there. You inspired us and you made us laugh. I try to channel your strength every day. You had no idea the positive impact you had on others. But we know you knew how much you were loved. S Robertson
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Happy birthday brother, where ever your spirit may be.. hope you are well and free , looking over and protecting as you were in life. Miss you buddy.

To all those dear to him.. I hope you are all well.. not a day goes by where I don't think about him or wish he was here.. Stay safe and take care everyone.

March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Such days may be especially painful, thinking about you Robert. Happy birthday to Joosep in better place he is.
July 3, 2022
July 3, 2022
Good morning, 
20 years ago a very good friend of mine took the same decision as Joosep. Almost identical situations, kind of personality, unexplainable. I think about her till today. And I think too about Joosep, he is not forgotten.
June 1, 2022
June 1, 2022
 Again, I am sorry to have learned of this mysterious tragedy but, I am buoyed up by this outpouring of remembrances from people I have never met from around the world. It is truly an impressive expression of fondness and character. 
May 31, 2022
May 31, 2022
Dear Robert and Tiia,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the letter.

I will never forget the first time we met Joosep in Vermont for a big 3 family biking trip. It was very dark when we arrived, and Robert and Joosep so kindly helped us unload the bikes and other stuff from the car. Our boys were probably 12 and 14 then, while Joosep was only a year older (but I didn't know that at the time)!

My first impression of Joosep was "Wow, what a mature, kind and polite young man! I wonder how old he is? I hope Hideo and Masao grow up to be just like him!". A few days later that was followed by, "How did Robert and Tiia raise him?", "What an absolutely beautiful family!".

Those thoughts haven't changed since then. And that wonderful trip was one of the best we ever had.

My/our thoughts are with you...we are here for you.
Harry Ishihara (now in Japan)
May 17, 2022
May 17, 2022
Hi Tiia and Robert, Kaalep and Leenu,
I had a dream about Tia, Robert and Joosep on the night of May 14th (saturday) that woke me at 4:30 am, unable to sleep afterwards. I knew the anniversary was coming up, and you'd all been heavily on my mind. Bruce told me the next day that you had posted on the tribute wall, and that I should share some things. Its been a year of terrific sadness here, knowing how hard this has been for you, and no way to really reach you, much less hug you. Of course I've asked myself a million questions on whether there was anything I ever could have said to this young man we all loved so much, to make him feel differently about his life, and living. I myself had many questions about life when I was his age, and I wish I could have shared with him how my perspective changed and evolved over time. 

I know you are trying to focus on gratitude for having him in your life, and I am trying to convert the sorrow to gratitude as well. If there is anything we can do on our end to create a legacy, let us know. He certainly maintained a legacy of kindness, and I try to let that inspire me to do better daily. I know he knew he was loved by his family and friends, but i hope he knew how far that light reached to the outer edges of his circle...

We love you all and miss you all. I'd love to share a video i found on my phone of a lovely time we all had together, I will post it to stories.

May 17, 2022
May 17, 2022
Dear Tiia, Robert, Leenu and Kaalep,

Thank you for sharing your open letter. Tears are flowing from my eyes uncontrollably when reading it. I have utmost respect for your entire family, for your choices and mastery to put into words your thoughts and feelings. As was Joosep, so are you incredibly beautiful, brave, warm-hearted and deep. You have been in my thoughts this entire year since May 2021. I feel and share your pain. Yet, I am aware that it cannot even start to compare to yours. Please know I will always remember Joosep, his smiley face and gentleness, the sound of his Estonian - and his drum set in Dhaka :) Please know that your family is very dear to me, even if it takes years before we meet again. With love, Kristel
May 16, 2022
May 16, 2022
Thank you for sharing your story and Joosep's story. I consider you very brave and courageous and I know as time passes, telling your story will help with the grieving process. There are far too many parents who have gone through what you have and are still going through. Keep sharing. My thoughts are with you. Angel
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022
Dear Robert,
It was so nice to see and talk to you in Bangkok. I have just read your anniversary message with tears. Very powerful. I admire you and your family for how you keep the memory of Joosep so alive. He was an incredible young man, who will be missed forever. I wish you the strength to go on.
My thoughts and prayers to you all! Levan   
June 2, 2021
June 2, 2021
Dear Robert and the entire Juhkam Family.

There are no words to properly express my condolences properly. I wish you all well in a very difficult time. What a life well lived. I am sad I never met him. 

June 1, 2021
June 1, 2021
We are all very sorry for Joosep tragic situation.
As he was a surfer, and a sea lover, we brought this sand artwork to share our love with him and all family.
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
Dear Robert,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, please accept my deepest condolences. Cannot imagine what a difficult time this is for you and your family. Sending you thoughts and prayers.

May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
Dearest Robert and Tiia,

Words cannot begin to express how truly sorry I am to hear of your loss. The pain must be unbearable and the grief overwhelming. Your family is in our thoughts and I wish you and Tiia strength and courage for the difficult days and weeks to come. With love, Emma & Gary.
May 28, 2021
May 28, 2021
Dear Robert and family,

Please accept my sincere condolences on the untimely passing of your beloved son. The searing pain of loosing a child cannot be explained, and I can only imagine what you are going through as a family. You are in my thoughts and prayers and may Joosep's soul rest in peace.
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
Dear Robert and family
Truly shocked by the tragic death of your beloved son, Joosep. As a parent, to lose your child is an unimaginable trauma, yet it happened in the full bloom of your son’s life. I wish you courage and strength to get through this horrible time. May he be remembered for the love and joy he brought to the people’s lives he touched. René
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
Dear Robert, Tiia, leenu and Kaleep, Words don't come easy to me to reach out to you Tiia,Robert, Kaleep to express the deep sorrow we all feel. I cannot imagine how difficult this time is for the four of you, your families & friends.
Your 21 years with Joosep seems to have been an incredible gift—I know you realize that, and will always be grateful for the way he brought light to your family and helped all of you grow, and to expand and absorb your capacity to love.
You have so much to be proud of in Joosep’s life. Reading the tributes on the website, it is clear that he was a young man who was much loved by his peers and passionate about his interests. He was surely a young man of good character, great humour and sense of service having been raised by two wonderful parents. Tiia who i have come to love dearly and you Roberts whom I have come to respect so much. He has touched many lives across the three continents he lived in and you have people from across the world sharing in your pain today.
As they say, parents hold their children’s hands for just a little while and their hearts forever – he will surely live in your hearts and the hearts of many forever.
In this time of sorrow, mixed with gratitude for the great life that Joosep lived, please know that all your colleagues in Sri Lanka are all with you. As you take time to heal , we will be here to support and comfort you.
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
Dear Robert and Tiia

We are still deeply shocked and saddened to hear the passing of your beloved son. We hope that the precious memories you have of your son will help you get through this difficult time. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family always. May his soul rest in peace.

- Wasanthi and Sahani
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
Dear Robert, Tiia and family
We are heartbroken after hearing the news of Joosep’s tragic accident. Our families have shared so many years. Words always fall short in these moments of sadness and pain, but our hearts are with you in these very difficult moments. Joosep lived his dream and his dream will continue to be lived. When we’ll admire the corals in the oceans, he will be there, in the thousand winds that blow and in the peaceful stars at night.


Bo, Farah, Marleen, Patrick
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
Dear Robert and Family,

We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your son.
Franz & Maj-Britt
May 27, 2021
May 27, 2021
Dear Robert, Tiia, family and friends,

Our hearts are with you in this period of immense grief. We have seen what deeply dedicated parents you both are, with a close, supportive family. Your children a clear reflection and wonderful product of that. Sending strength to you as Joseep transitions to his new, beautiful universe.

Brenda, Martin, Enrico
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
My condolences to your family during this tough time.

I wanted to share the one interaction I had with Joosep. Even if it was just a beer one time in Sri Lanka at Coniston house. He was such an incredibly nice guy and we got along very well. I remember him telling me about his passion for marine biology. I will always remember him whenever I go diving and I hope I can help protect coral on his behalf.

We had similar interests and I wish I could have got to know him better.

My sincerest condolences,
May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Mr. and Mrs. Juhkam,
I am so sorry for your tragic loss. All of the students and faculty in the College to whom I have spoken about Joosep remember him fondly. In reading the memories and stories on these pages, I am certain he was a special person that brought joy into the world. I hope knowing the impact he made brings you some peace.
Andrew Lawson
Dean of the College of Science at CSUMB
May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Heartfelt condolences to the Juhkam Family

There are no words, only the hope and wish that your memories with Joosep will bring you comfort and solace, especially during this incredibly difficult time you are all going through.
This page is a beautiful tribute to Joosep and his life. It’s obvious the effect he had on so many people, whether they knew him briefly or for his lifetime.
Condolences to all Joosep’s friends and family. We send you love and support.

Love, Don and Kary Parker
May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Dearest Robert, Tiia and family,
Our hearts are breaking for you. Though I only met Joosep a few times when he was younger he had such a kind soul and made those around him laugh. He reminds me of you and your father. He grew to be such an amazing young man so full of life. All of my family and myself send our deepest sympathy. Sending prayers and love. Praying God surrounds you with love and peace.
Love Janet and family
May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Kallid Tiia ja Robert, Leenu, Kaalep,
sõnad on sellel hetkel jõuetud.
Meie kaastunne päikesepoisi Joosepi lahkumise puhul.

Maigi ja Hannes
May 25, 2021
May 25, 2021
Dear Tiia, dear Robert, dear Leenu and Kaleep,
We would like to express our sincere condolences to you.
It is hard to find the words to ease the heartache of losing a loved son and brother. I wish you to be guided by Joosep bright vibes. We remember him playing for AISD band in Dhaka.
We send you a lot of light to help you going through these difficult moments.
Our prayers are with you.
Rest in peace Joosep.
Kind regards,
Mona, Kairouan and Yannick
Page 1 of 5

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May 15
We are star dust; we intermingle with one another forever. I see him now from where we were together in the past. I will see him again from where we will be together in the future.
May 13
I miss you. I think about you. I can’t believe you’re not here. I want to talk to you. I just miss you…

My heart is to your family on this day. I hope you’re watching over all of us and you always by our side. I miss you.
May 13
May 13
3 years of missing this beautiful boy! Sending all my love to Tiia, Robert, Leenu and my dear Kaalep
His Life

Missing Joosep

May 14
Days pass with glowing candles and skies, spring blossoms and birds in song and flight
Sending hugs and love, 
Tiia Robert
My hands feel empty
Without your touch
My arms ache
For your embrace.
My days pass slowly
With you far away.
You remain forever
In our memory, dear son,
Filling the void in our hearts
With your unconditional love.
Missing you always
Yet grateful you were ours,
For however long
— Anonymous
Pilvepiiril on üks pink,
Kus istun nüüd ja vaatan tagasi.
Sel lõputul pingil on silt:
"Siit minna on vaid edasi ".
Vaatan sind ja tasa tuulena tulen,
Su juures olen ja sinna jään.
Siin olla on muretu, õnnelik olen,
Siin pingil sind nüüd ootama jään.
Kui kord on sinu aeg ja tuled,
Siis räägin sul kõik, mis ütlemata jäi.
Ära kiirusta, ma korraks silmad sulen,
Siin pingil sind lõputult oodata võin
— Moss

Celebrating Joosep on his birthday

March 22
Joosep has always been our angel, Joosep came into our lives on 22 March 2000, 24 years ago today, always smiling, hugging and infectiously giggling

We are remembering Joosep in celebration of that day and every day that he was with us here. We have just shared many new photos and videos of young boy Joosep just doing his thing, always bringing joy to family and friends. 

Please share more of your own photos, videos and stories :-)

warmest wishes to all, Tiia and Robert

Sharing Memorials

May 15, 2023
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Coping the past two years has been indescribably painful and difficult. And we think back to 2021 when we bade our farewells to Joosep. We would now like to share a few things from that time.
We would to share with everyone the video recording of Joosep's Memorial Service on 25 May 2021 which took place in Monterey, California USA where Joosep lived for nearly three years. The service began with the sounds of the ocean waves that Joosep loved. The service offered prayers and eulogies from his cousin Daniel, his Godfather Ants, from his aunt and Godmother Monica, his friend Ryan, his sister Leenu and brother Kaalep, and us.From his loved ones to all, on everyone's behalf. It is rich with music we associate with Joosep. Althought the video remains for us both a painful reminder of our deep grieving at the inconceivable loss of Joosep, it also represents testimony to our joyful memories and pays tribute to Joosep big heart and for the extraordinary life he lived.
The Memorial Service programme is also here.
Here also are the announcements for the Celebration of Joosep's Life at the Monterey Beach on that same day organised by Joosep's friends Calvin, Ryan and his fraternity brothers.
Finally we share the announcements and programme for Joosep's funeral in Vigala, Estonia. In July 2021, two months after his passing, we brought Joosep's ashes back to Estonia, where he was born, for his funeral service and for his burial place beside his great great grandparents Jüri and Mai Juhkam.
With our prayers and warm wishes, Tiia and Robert
Recent stories
May 16, 2022
I think of Joosep often, and pray that you all find comfort in each other's support.
One of my all time favorite memories of Jossep is of course Spain!!! He was a protector, yet had this kindness about him that was so serene. It's as if you could see this "blanket of love" just wrapping his family and those around him. Especially Tiia, you could see this connection of souls, as if they were one. He's with you all in the most powerful sense!

We love you all,
The Pereira Family

May 13, 2022
Dear Robert, Tiia, and family,
It seems that Joosep was known by so many for his beautiful, big smile...and his beautiful huge heart.  Thinking back to both times I saw Joosep, when he was still a baby, that's indeed how I remember him.  
I still can't imagine the loss you've experienced...I think about you all, so often, hoping for your well-being.
Steve Miron, Catskills, NY

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